Missing Pieces | (Catra)

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"Why would she do that?" I ask, staring at Indigo deep in the eyes. "I don't know," Indigo answers plainly, shrugging her shoulders. Ethel reaches over and grabs Indigo's hand before placing another hand on (Y/N)'s body as she teleports them away. I look to my side at the rest of the girls still in the room and we don't say anything for a while. There was nothing to say. Ishiyama is the first to speak up. "I think I'm going to stay the night," she says, looking around at all of us. "I'm not breaking up any fights this time," Enid laughs and Ishiyama smiles knowingly. "I wonder what happened last time," I think to myself, making a mental note to ask the minute we left here. Enid walks around the table and teleports us all out of the Black Garnet Chamber. 

"You can sleep here, this was supposed to be my room, I guess they didn't realize Ethel and I sleep together," Enid says with a small laugh. "I'm amazed you're still with the wicked witch of the west," Ishiyama says, rolling her eyes. "You're amazed when someone wears the same outfit twice, leave her alone," Enid replies, smiling. Ishiyama pushes past Enid and enters the room, grabbing me by my wrist on the way in. "Thanks for the room Eenie Meenie, very Nightshade of you," Ishiyama says to her with a wink. Enid smiles and winks back as she teleports away. Ishiyama closes the door and turns around to face me. I look down at the ground, my tail shifting nervously behind me. I watch as Ishiyama's feet come closer to me and I swallow nervously. I feel the touch of a soft finger underneath my chin as my head begins tilting upward until I'm face to face with Ishiyama. "What are you so scared of?" she questions, the sound of her voice sending a warm feeling down my spine. "Nothing, I just wonder why I'm here," I say. Ishiyama stares at me for a while. She was beautiful, her golden eyes with hints of indigo, her long waist-length indigo hair, and her smooth skin all combined to create a literally perfect person. I couldn't quite figure it out but the way she looked, how graceful her every movement was really reminded me of someone but I just wasn't sure who. "You're cute too," she says, interrupting my thoughts. "Huh? How did-" I stammer and she giggles. "It's all over your face, you think I'm cute and I think you're cute too," Ishiyama jokes, stepping closer to me. 

"So are you always this quiet or?" she says, tracing a finger down my arm. "Not really, I just don't know who you are," I reply. "I told you already, I'm Lord Ishiyama, my friends call me Yumi, I'm 3rd Division, and I'm immortal," she answers. "That's it?" I snort, crossing my arms. "Pretty much, who are you?" Ishiyama asks. "Force Captain Catra," I answer back mockingly. "That's it?" she mocks and I push her slightly. "You know, Indi doesn't bring people around much but you seem cool," she says, stepping forward, her golden eyes looking me up and down, slowly. "How long have you known each other?" Ishiyama asks, slowly bringing her eyes back up to meet mine. "Uh, a few days," I muttered, blushing slightly, looking away. "Only a few days huh? So then you really have no idea who I am," she says, almost challengingly. "What's that supposed to mean?" I pout, crossing my arms. "Come and find out," she says temptingly, stepping forward towards me again. I watch as her eyes fall on my lips before she closes them and leans in to kiss me. I don't hesitate to kiss her back, my entire body screaming for more of her. I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her into the last little bit of space left between us. She kisses me harder as she tightly grips my hair. We kiss for a while longer before Ishiyama pulls away to look at me. "You know I break people right?" she says confidently like she was proud of it. I shrug, "You can't break me," I say roughly, pulling her back to me. She bites her lip as she twirls a strand of my hair around her finger. "You're already broken," Ishiyama says lowly as she kisses me again, forcing her way into my mouth with her tongue. I moan softly as I grip her waist tighter. Ishiyama pulls her lips away from mine as she kisses down my neck softly, taking off my shirt in the process. 


"Looks like you were broken enough after all," Ishiyama says with a smile as she rolls over. I shrug as I look her up and down, admiring her body. "Come on," she says as she stands up out of the bed, reaching for her shirt. "Where are we going?" I ask, doing the same. "You're going to take me to (Y/N), I assume you know where they went," Ishiyama orders. "Yeah, I do," I say as I wait for her by the door, watching as she puts back on the rest of her clothes.  We walk out of the room together and I lead her to (Y/N)'s room. 

When we get to (Y/N)'s room, the door is already open which was unusual considering (Y/N)'s had it closed for the past few days. As I stand in the doorway with Ishiyama, I watch as Indigo sits on the bed with (Y/N), crying softly. Ishiyama grabs my hand and drags me into the room, causing Indigo to turn her attention towards us. "Go away," Indigo says, her voice devoid of any emotion. "Can't do that, I'm staying the night," Ishiyama speaks up, the pleasure in her voice practically sarcastic. Indigo groans and rolls her eyes, standing up to face Ishiyama. "Why?" Indigo questions, looking down at the girl, her blueish-purple eyes sparkling with a fit of anger I've never seen from her before. "Because I can, remember who made Lord and who didn't," Ishiyama replies coldly. "It seems like you have the story mixed up like you're leaving out the whole piece of you would never be Lord if I didn't want you to be," Indigo snaps back, her voice so hard, it causes my tail to completely flatten. "I've never seen her like this, what happened to the soft, sweet girl from a few days ago? " I think to myself as I watch Indigo and Ishiyama stare at each other in violent anticipation.  "I'm not breaking up any fights," the words echo in my mind and I speak up. "What happened the last time you spent the night?" I ask, interrupting the obvious heated silence. Both girls turn their heads to face me, their eyes blinking in temporary confusion. "Indi tried to kill me," Ishiyama says, crossing her arms. "Here we go with the missing pieces again, that's not what happened at all," Indigo declares angrily. "You want to talk about missing pieces? Be honest Indigo, you hate me so much because I'm that part of yourself that you repress so badly. You wish you had even half of the confidence I did," Ishiyama sneers, pushing Indigo backward. "Why would I ever want to be you? A hoe? Allergic to commitment? Going to die alone? Yeah, that totally sounds like a life worth living!" Indigo shouts, stepping forward. I step between the two of them, looking back and forth at each of them. "I'm allergic to commitment? You haven't spoken to our mother in 20 years let alone ever bothered to speak to me, your little sister!" Ishiyama shouts, pushing me out of the way. 

"Wait, I thought your mom was dead," I interrupt, looking at Indigo as I stand up from the ground. "Wow, is that what you're telling people now? That our mom is dead?" Ishiyama shouts again. Indigo looks to the ground, tears filling her eyes as she clutches her fists at her sides. "She is dead," Indigo says, her voice quiet but cold. "No, she isn't, our mom is the ruler of the underworld and very much so alive," Ishiyama says, her voice filled with aggression. "No, our mom is the literal She-Devil and you're her fucked up, evil, and irrelevant demon baby, like I said she's dead," Indigo repeats. "You know what," Ishiyama says, stepping forward towards Indigo so that their faces meet, "And to think the only reason I was sent up here was to be a sister to you," she finishes as she pushes Indigo hardly and turns away. I watch as Ishiyama walks out of the room, her indigo hair flowing behind her. 

I look over at Indigo who was actively avoiding my eyes. "Care to explain?" I question and she looks up at me nervously, her eyes sparkling with tears. 

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