Unsure | (Catra)

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"Make sure they stay here," (Y/N) says as we materialize. I look at her group of friends, all of them wearing an expression that dares me and Scorpia to move. My eyes shift back over to (Y/N) who was now walking down the hall towards Lonnie. "Told you," I hear a voice behind me say and I turn around to see one of the girls who came with (Y/N) holding her hand out, palm up. The blonde one with a ponytail and the other darker one both place a crisp bill in her hand as they roll their eyes. I look over at Scorpia who just raises a curious eyebrow at me. We both look back at the girls who were now looking at us. The one who had collected money from the other two starts laughing and says, "not you two. Before we left, we made a bet that (Y/N) couldn't go 24 hours without talking to Lonnie" she finishes pointing at Lonnie and (Y/N).

I raise a curious eyebrow and they stare back at me, excitement and disbelief in their eyes. "Wait a minute," the girl says laughing, "you mean to tell me, you don't know those two are exes?" she asks with a smirk. "What? " I shriek and they all let out a laugh. "Well, (Y/N) did say she didn't have any friends here, and besides, didn't we all just meet them?" the blonde one asks pointing at Scorpia and me, looking at the both of us, her blue-green eyes sparkling with loathing. I can tell she doesn't want to be here and she definitely doesn't like us. I look at the floor, trying to think of something to say. But before I can, our attention is called to the sound of a crash. I turn around to see (Y/N) falling to the ground from hitting a wall. (Y/N) catches herself with her hand and looks up at Lonnie, giving her the same look she gave me before she... I immediately dismiss the thought and continue watching as (Y/N) gets up from the floor and pushes Lonnie back hardly. Lonnie lands the same way that (Y/N) did and she rushes (Y/N) but (Y/N) makes some motion with her hand and Lonnie stops in her tracks. (Y/N) moves her hands around and with every motion, some part of Lonnie's body moves also. Lonnie is finally standing straight up and there's not even an inch of space between the two of them. I gulp, and look on in fear for Lonnie. "No, she didn't!" I hear and I look back at (Y/N)'s friends who were fully invested in the fight. "But she did," the other darker one says in approval. "What? What did she do?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at them. "(Y/N) blood bent her," the blonde one says like it was obvious. The smaller blonde one looks up at me and says, "Blood bending is when she takes hold of and manipulate fluids within a body, allowing her to move the person's muscles, basically she's using their blood to control them like a puppet" she explains, giving me a soft smile and the taller blonde one rolls her eyes. "Thanks," I say giving her a half-smile and turning back around to watch (Y/N) and Lonnie.

I watch as (Y/N) lets go of Lonnie and the two of them stand there for a long time just staring at each other. Lonnie says something and the two of them start arguing. I can't hear what's being said but I watch as their hands flail about and Lonnie stomps her foot every so often. "So what was your name again?" one of the girls asks, pointing at me. "Catra," I say. The girl points at herself and says, "Enid Nightshade" with a smile that immediately tells me she's much more trouble than it's worth. The other dark girl looks at me and smiles, "Indigo Moon" she says holding out a hand for me to shake. I shake it uneasily as I look up at her distinctly blue eyes. "Yes, I'm named after my eyes if that's what you're wondering" she laughs. "No, no I wasn't. I was just --" I pause and she holds out a hand to stop me. "I was just kidding, but I really am named after my, eyes," she says giving me a soft smile. "Ethel Hallow, the most powerful witch of my time," the blonde girl says interrupting and revealing a mouth full of metal. The rest of the girls groan and cross their arms. "Give it a rest zipper lips" Indigo groans and we burst out into laughter. "I'm going to have to write that one down," I think to myself as I continue laughing with the rest of the group. Ethel lets out a frustrated sigh and sends a ball of air towards Indigo causing her to fly back just a little. "Oh girls, remember? We're supposed to be on our best behavior?" Enid says looking back and forth at the both of them with a smirk, placing her hand on Ethel's waist.

"Wow, it's a terrible day for you two," Enid says holding out her hand again and I turn around to see (Y/N) grab Lonnie by the hand and turn her around to kiss her. My mouth falls open in shock and I watch as Lonnie pulls away from (Y/N) and walks away from her, angrily. I turn around and watch Ethel, Indigo, and the other girl who was with them place another bill in Enid's hand. "Shall we raise the stakes?" Enid asks raising an eyebrow and Indigo gives her a look that says tell me more. " $500 on them getting back together and Lonnie finally coming to the 2nd division by the time we leave," Enid says with a huge smile and I feel a fit of slight jealousy creep up in my veins but I push it down. Ethel and the other girl who looks a lot like Ethel both agree and Indigo laughs. "Count me out, it's not happening," Indigo says confidently. "Yeah? It'd be a shame if she ran into a little black magic suggestion spell huh?" Enid says slyly and they laugh. "Don't even think about it. Should I remind you of our Year 6 fiasco?" Ethel says to Enid. "Year 6 didn't happen," Enid says crossing her arms and I jump at the sound of a voice behind me.

"But it did Enid and we all know about it" (Y/N) says joining the conversation. Enid rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out at (Y/N). "You weren't even there" she pouts. "Did I really need to be?" (Y/N) says giving Enid a look. "Anyway, tea time" (Y/N) says frustratedly and with a wave of her hand, we're in a completely different part of the Fright Zone. We stop in front of a huge door that I've never really had much interest in before. I just always assumed it was a storage room or whatever. (Y/N) holds her hand to an electric pad on the wall and the door hisses open, revealing a beautiful and huge bedroom.

"Woah," Scorpia and I say together, looking back and forth from each other to the room. "How come you have a room this cool?" Scorpia asks turning around to face (Y/N). "Perks of being Shadow Weaver's daughter I guess," (Y/N) says shrugging, obviously unimpressed by her room.

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