Saving Grace | (Indigo)

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I make my way into the Black Garnet Chamber and immediately rush to the table that was now holding (Y/N). Warm tears filled my eyes as I looked down at my unconscious best friend. I turn to face the rest of the girls as I wipe tears from my face with the back of my hand. Ethel looks down at her feet while Enid shifts nervously at her side. "We need to do something!" I shout at them to which all of their eyes snap towards me, the pain and worry obvious. "What do we do?" Enid asks and I look back down at (Y/N) sadly. 

"Enid, Ethel, Sybil, the three of you do the Sleeping Beauty spell on (Y/N), Catra, Scorpia stand behind them," I order and everyone quickly obeys. Enid, Ethel, and Sybil form a circle and join hands around (Y/N). They close their eyes and begin repeating the spell. They chant together for a little while before stopping and falling to the ground. Catra, Scorpia, and I rush to catch them as they fall, already in place behind them. We prop them up against the wall as we wait for them to wake up. After what feels like forever, the three of them stand up and look at me, awaiting further instructions. "First things first, we find out what's wrong with her," I say, looking around at everyone. They shake their heads in agreement as (Y/N)'s mom appears out of nowhere. She glides over to us, staring us down with her cold eyes. "I've seen that symbol before," her cold voice shakes throughout the room, "Princess Glimmer has learned a death spell," she says, eerily proudly. I cross my arms and sigh, 'Okay? And that means?" I say sassily as Shadow Weaver glides closer to me. "It means (Y/N) is dying," she sneers callously and I turn away from her deliberately. "Not to mention all of the black magic coursing through her right now," Shadow Weaver whispers menacingly in my ear. I step forward angrily and grab (Y/N)'s hand. It was barely warm but I could tell she was still in there, still fighting. I stare at (Y/N) for a little longer, my mind swirling with thoughts I'd rather not discuss and I feel my face warming with tears again. I drop my head slowly, still holding (Y/N)'s hand. Enid steps closer to the table and puts her hand softly on mines before slowly moving it to (Y/N)'s body. Enid's hand glows red quickly before she snatches it away and turns to the side, throwing up a heap of black goo. She throws up a few more times before stopping to catch her breath. Ethel leaps to her side, rubbing her back gently.

"(Y/N) is full of black magic like it's literally all she is," Enid manages to say between breaths. "There's no way that I can siphon it all, it would kill me, and plus I'm nowhere near strong enough," she says, throwing up another heap of goo. "We should call Sin," Sybil speaks up quietly. "No!" Shadow Weaver shouts, her voice echoes throughout the room, scaring all of us, "There's no need to call her, we can manage by ourselves," she says calmly, gliding closer towards (Y/N). We all look at each other, confused and worried, before turning our attention back to (Y/N)'s mom. "If we're going to call anybody maybe we should call Lord Ishiyama," Enid suggests. "Absolutely not!" "No!" Ethel and I practically shout at the same time. Enid rolls her eyes and leans against the wall, propping one of her feet against the wall. "It makes sense," Enid replies coolly, disregarding our obvious discontent. "Who is Lord Ishiyama?" Catra asks, breaking our attention away from Enid. "3rd Division Lord," I say plainly, turning my attention back to Enid. "She's also a Phoenix," Enid adds, scoffing as she rolls her eyes at me, "All in favor of calling Ishiyama?" she questions, slightly holding up her right hand. I look around as Sybil, Scorpia, and Catra all slowly begin raising their hands. Ethel rolls her eyes and walks around the table to join me on the other side. "Whatever," Ethel sneers as Enid smiles happily. Enid presses a button on her sleeve as she holds it up to her mouth asking for Yumi to join us. I roll my eyes and look back down at (Y/N) who was lying on the table. "Even when she's dying, she's beautiful," I think to myself as I stare at her, "Not even a hair out of place," I think, smiling to myself.

A lightly sparkling rain of black and red begin falling from the sky interrupting my thoughts and I roll my eyes, knowing Yumi had arrived. We all look up as Yumi's black wings carry her in graciously through the ceiling, creating a sparkly black-gray smoke as she landed. Yumi flashes her wings, making sure we all took notice of the beautiful and unique red stripes before pulling her wings back in, causing them to disappear. "Hi, Ishiyama!" Enid coos overly excited as Ethel sticks her tongue out at Yumi in disgust. I snicker and look Ishiyama up and down, crossing my arms. "What's up Enid?" Yumi says, grabbing Enid into a tight hug, purposely wrapping her arms around Enid's waist. She looks over to Ethel and winks before pulling away. Ethel angrily steps forward but I pull her back by the wrist before she could get to her. "Ishiyama, you're here to do one thing and that's to make sure (Y/N) doesn't die so if you could just get to it, that'd be great," I say flatly. "Please Indi, relax, afraid I'm going to steal another boyfriend from you? or wait you're into girls now right?" Yumi jeers, giggling slightly. I clench my fists and take a deep breath. "You can't steal something I don't have," I reply, looking away from her. "You don't?" she questions curiously, glancing at (Y/N) before stepping over to Catra. Yumi looks Catra up and down, her mostly golden eyes dancing with seduction. I roll my eyes and look away, training my eyes heavily on the door. "Hi, I'm Lord Ishiyama," Yumi says temptingly. "I- I'm Force Captain Catra," Catra stumbles slightly. I groan and look back over at them as Yumi places a hand on Catra's force captain badge. "I can see that," Yumi replies alluringly as she drags her finger across Catra's chest. "Okay, alright, wrap it up freak show, you have work to do," I order and Yumi laughs. She obeys turning away from Catra slowly, her long indigo hair flowing behind her gracefully. Catra's eyes follow her definitely checking her out as she walks off. I look back over at Yumi who was standing by the table that held (Y/N). 

"So what's the plan? Are we like killing her or?" Yumi asks as she takes a knife from her pocket and makes small cuts in her and (Y/N)'s hands. Ishiyama grabs her hand, closing her eyes as a glowing black light envelops their hands. "No we aren't killing her you psycho, she's sick and we need a backup plan so that's what you are, nothing more than a backup plan," I state. "Ouch," Yumi replies, placing a dramatic hand over her heart. "I have a way we can heal her," (Y/N)'s mom says, entering the conversation, scaring us all once again. "Why do I keep forgetting she's here?" I think to myself as I watch (Y/N)'s mom place a gentle hand on (Y/N)'s face. "There's no way you're touching her!" Catra shouts. "Are you telling me I can't touch my own child?" Shadow Weaver demands, causing Catra to step back. (Y/N)'s mom stares at Catra for a long time before looking back down at (Y/N). We exchange a concerned look before allowing Shadow Weaver to help. The black garnet begins glowing a darkened hue of red as Shadow Weaver places her hands on either side of (Y/N)'s head. I watch as the stone glows brighter and brighter. (Y/N)'s hair begins flowing around, releasing itself from her usual ponytails as the color of her hair begins turning white from the roots down. (Y/N)'s eyes open, glowing entirely white before shutting quickly. The glow from the black garnet stops as Yumi falls to the ground. "No," I cry as Yumi's body begins to harden. Enid quickly transports Yumi out of the black garnet chamber as my eyes fall on (Y/N)'s now dead body. I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly but she doesn't squeeze back. "You- You said you would help her!" I shout, tears streaming down my face as I turn to look at Shadow Weaver. "I did help her," Shadow Weaver sneers, rolling her eyes. "How? She's dead!" I shout again, squeezing her hand tighter as I sob harder. 

"You must calm down," Shadow Weaver says patiently, "(Y/N) had to die, there wasn't any way around that but before she died, I removed the black magic so that when she wakes up again, she will be free of the magic that was obviously making her sick," she finishes. I wipe a few tears away as I slowly turn to face her. I don't say anything, I just blink a few times before turning to face (Y/N) again. Just then, Enid and Yumi materialize back in the room. Ethel grabs Enid away from Yumi by the wrist and walks over to the other side of the table. Yumi rolls her eyes and looks at me. "Everything good?" Ishiyama asks and I nod barely. (Y/N)'s eyes open and quickly flash entirely white for a few seconds before she closes her eyes again. "What just happened?" Scorpia asks. 

"She just put herself in a sleeping spell," I say worriedly. 

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