Battle of Bright Moon Part 2 | (Catra)

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(Y/N) teleports the four of us back to the middle of the platform, on one side Shadow Weaver and Queen Angella were arguing about something on the other the Princesses were too busy fighting the Battle Squad to do anything else. Sparkles and Adora look around them too, their faces twisting into sorrowed expressions the longer they look around. Sparkles turns to face us, clapping both of her hands together sending a huge line of sparkles at (Y/N) and me. 

(Y/N) casts a protective shield around the both of us as she smiles with confidence. There's a glimpse of something in her eye that I can only recognize as doubt but it quickly disappears, being replaced by infinite rage. (Y/N) drops the shield and creates a large circle of blue lighting behind her. She lounges forward as a strong beam of lighting shoots at Sparkles, consuming her entire body in the lightning. "Glimmer!" Adora and Queen Angella shout together. Adora drops down to the ground, holding Glimmer's body tightly as the Queen flies over to them. Queen Angella scoops Glimmer up out of Adora's arms and flies off to wherever, leaving Shadow Weaver completely alone at the Moonstone. (Y/N) smiles, her entire body displaying her obvious satisfaction. She looks over at her friends who were still battling the other Princesses. (Y/N) looks down at Adora as she raises her hand towards the other Princesses. "Please don't!" Adora begs and (Y/N) ignores her. "Ad somnum," she says and I watch as every last Princess falls to the ground unconsciously. "She wasn't kidding when she said she was powerful," I think to myself as Adora cries silently at the sight of her unconscious friends. 

"Oh please," (Y/N) whines at the sight of Adora, "They aren't dead, yet" she taunts. Adora dries her tears as she stands up, towering over the both of us. She clutches her sword tightly as she gets ready to attack. "You aren't going to win and you aren't going to kill my friends either, I won't let you, or Catra," She-Ra demands, focusing her eyes on mines. I shrink a little at the glare and I look over to (Y/N) but she was unmoved, unimpressed. "There's nothing you can do to stop me, I've already won, She-Ra" (Y/N) sneers, purposefully adding an element of disgust at the mention of She-Ra.  The Battle Squad materializes behind us and the 6 of us stand there opposite of She-Ra, ready to attack on (Y/N)'s signal.  She-Ra rushes forward, the tip of her sword directly aimed for (Y/N)'s chest. "Prohibere"  (Y/N) chants freezing She-Ra in her tracks. "See? Nothing you can do," (Y/N) smirks. "Casso tor" (Y/N) says as She-Ra levitates from the ground and into the air while (Y/N) raises her hand. 

"(Y/N) you don't have to do this, I remember you, I remember that night and I'm telling you, you can make a different choice this time," She-Ra pleads and I look over to (Y/N) who was still holding her in the air. (Y/N) blinks, almost like she was reconsidering but she quickly lets it fade, turning her attention away from She-Ra and over to Shadow Weaver. I look back at Adora, tears streaming down her face as she pleads for her life. I feel my throat tighten at the sight and I'm not sure what to do so I reach over and touch (Y/N)'s arm. She-Ra immediately falls to the ground as my hand lingers on (Y/N)'s arm. Adora looks up at me her eyes giving an unspoken thank you and I turn around, walking away towards the Battle Squad who was watching intently behind us. 

"You know Adora, you're right, I can make a different choice," (Y/N) says as she turns to the unconscious Princesses, her eyes immediately locking onto the one who can make nets. She-Ra follows (Y/N)'s eyes and screams out for her to stop. (Y/N) shakes her head and holds out her hand towards the girl. (Y/N) makes a waving motion with her hand, causing the neck of the Princess to snap, killing her instantly. Adora screams and cries at the sight, still unable to move due to the spell that (Y/N) cast earlier. (Y/N) laughs madly as she repeats the same spell and hand motion for the air Princess. Just as (Y/N) is about to continue, Queen Angella and Sparkles fly in from nowhere. Sparkles shoots ball after ball of magic at the shield that was protecting Shadow Weaver as Queen Angella does her best to rescue the other Princesses from (Y/N). 

"Get those bitches now!" (Y/N) coldly demands, turning around to face us. Ethel wastes no time teleporting over to Angella, shooting flame after flame at her. The rest of the squad except for Indigo attempt to help Ethel as they try to attack Queen Angella but she was too fast and too fluid for them to properly land a hit on her. Sparkles finally breaks through the shield that was protecting Shadow Weaver and she takes a minute before gathering all of her strength to fire a powerful blast of magic at Shadow Weaver. "Mom!" (Y/N) yells as she teleports to the Moonstone, pushing Shadow Weaver out of the way as she places a hand on the Moonstone at the same time, being hit by Sparkles magic. The blow was fatal knocking (Y/N) out as the black smoke that had previously covered the Moonstone flows into (Y/N)'s body. 

"(Y/N)!" we shout together as Ethel teleports over to (Y/N), picking her up as she teleports them out. My eyes dart back over to Adora who had been released from the spell once (Y/N) fell unconscious. She-Ra grabs her sword, aiming towards me; I flip backward, hoping that I could do the same move I saw Ethel do in training with her feet. As my feet leave the ground, I try my hardest to focus my energy, letting the fire flow down and out through my feet. The flames hit She-Ra, burning pieces of her outfit as she staggers backward. "By the way Adora, I'm never coming with you!" I shout to her as Sybil appears next to me, teleporting the both of us off of the Moonstone platform. 

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