Parallels | (Catra)

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I speed through the Whispering Woods letting the breeze flow through my hair. I can barely contain my excitement as I continue steering, looking around me, happily. I've never noticed it before but the Whispering Woods is actually quite nice. Erelandia slowly comes into my view and I start slowing down. I power down the skiff on the outskirts of Erelandia and hop off excitedly. (Y/N) and her friends follow their faces just as excited as mine.

We all walk into Erelandia together, all of us disguised in black cloaks. Ethel points out a shop and we make our way inside. We push open the doors, revealing a beautifully decorated store full of different items. The shopkeeper looks up at us and gives us a slightly weird look before returning to whatever it was they were doing. The girls spread out around the store, grabbing and looking at different things.

I break off on my own, searching a nearby rack aimlessly as I listen to the conversations around me. I look over at Enid and Ethel who were standing by a display of vases and I hear Enid say how good they would look at their wedding. I have no idea what a wedding is but it was obviously something important judging by Enid's tone. "You haven't even proposed yet," Ethel replies and Enid looks over at her, biting her lip. "Why does it have to be me?" she questions and Ethel turns around swiftly. "Excuse me? A Hallow doesn't propose, we get proposed to," she huffs. "I love you," Enid says sweetly grabbing Ethel. "I love you too," Ethel replies kissing Enid softly on the forehead.

I pick up something off a nearby shelf and my claws sink into the material, crushing it as I watch Ethel and Enid. I feel every part of my body exploding with jealousy and I find myself wishing for what they had. Every moment with them seemed so peaceful, so happy, so full of love. I'm grateful that no one is watching as I gently place the cracked item back on the shelf. I turn around my eyes falling on Indigo and (Y/N) as the two of them laugh and chat about something they did together in Brotheria. I'm so jealous of all of them how close and happy they all are and I find myself thinking back to when Adora was in the Fright Zone. I reminisce at how we used to laugh and joke about you know, whatever, and how we would race and she would accuse me of cheating every time I won. I feel my veins course with anger at the memory of her and I want to run but I don't. Instead, I smooth my hair and confidently walk over to Enid who was now standing by a mirror holding up a shirt to her body.

"How does it look?" she asks, not turning her attention towards me. I shrug, "expensive," I say looking down at the price tag. Enid laughs and turns around to look at me. "I'm a Nightshade, money is no object," she smiles turning back around to hold the shirt up to her body once more. "So you know all about your family and stuff huh?" I ask, walking to a nearby rack. "Well yeah, of course, I see my parents all the time," she starts and stops, her face twisting into a sort of guilty expression, "I mean, I was lucky enough to not have to grow up in the Horde," she says gently, placing the shirt on the counter. "Yeah, that is pretty lucky," I say, pulling out the edge of a pair of dark pants. "So are all of you that lucky?" I ask, pulling the pants all the way off the rack and holding them up to my face. "Yeah," Enid replies quietly, walking over to the same rack as me. "How did you end up here then?" I question, genuinely curious. She looks up at me, the usual reckless energy in her eyes gone, and says, "We chose to be here," as she drops her head back down, aimlessly sifting through the clothes. "Why?" I spit out, immediately cursing myself for pushing further. Enid doesn't seem to mind the question, as she pulls out yet another shirt and makes her way back to the mirror. "The Horde was close to invading when I was 12. Instead of fighting, my parents walked right up to Hordak and demanded that he make a deal with them. Hordak agreed and the rest was history. My town, like Ethel's and Indigo's, never got the chance to experience devastation because we knew it'd be easier to join them than to fight them. Plus, the Horde gave us a bunch of new servants," Enid says, placing the other shirt on the counter.

Daughter of the Horde | Catra x Reader | She-Ra- SPOP Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now