Book 2 Chapter 4: The Crimson Waste Pt. 1 | (Y/N)

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I decided to let Catra spend one more night locked up in the cells. After all, that's where she decided to keep my mother for the better part of a few days before letting her escape to wherever. It was the next morning and I knew Hordak wasn't going to let me drag out my plan forever. I swung my feet over the edge of my bed and stood up slowly, taking in my room. " I hate this place," I think to myself as I sigh and roll my eyes. Indigo and the others hadn't said much to me since I returned, I think they were mad about Catra but I didn't care. Catra put my mother's life in jeopardy and she had to pay. But it wasn't just that, I died and I blame her. If Catra hadn't lied about the war in the first place, we wouldn't be here. 

I sigh again and let my thoughts flow away with my breath and I begin making my way over to my dresser. I look up at myself in the mirror and stare for a while, taking in my body, my hair, everything. The realization that I died washes over me again and I wipe a few small tears from my eyes. I brush my hair back into its ponytail and stare at my reflection once more. My now white hair and (E/C) eyes stared back at me, hopeless, practically lifeless. There was something different about me but I wasn't sure what. It could've been that I died or it could've been my mother's escape but maybe it was something totally different. My body felt weird like there was more magic at my disposal. It was an awful mix of power and exhaustion that I couldn't quite describe. I push the feelings down and release my hair from the ponytail I had placed it in moments prior. I decide to leave my hair down and walk away from the mirror, starting towards my armor. I reach out to touch the armor slightly, it was cold and hard as usual but the sense of comfort that I would've once felt at its touch was now gone. I pull my arms forward, the cold metal snapping against my skin. Once the armor was fastened in place, I stood in the middle of my room for a while, just staring. The room was so quiet, the only noise to be heard was my rhythmic breathing. I decided I had had enough of the eery silence and teleported myself out of my room and into the cell that was holding Catra.

It looked like she hadn't slept in days and there were dark circles beginning to form around her usually bright eyes. "You look awful," I taunt, walking towards the green ropes that held Catra's wrists and ankles. She hissed as I grew closer, attempting to lunge towards me.  I smiled briefly and continued making my way towards her, reaching up to undo the ropes. "Don't look so down kitty, this is going to be fun, I promise," I say while brushing my hair over my shoulder before bending down to undo the restraints that held her ankles. "Fun for who?" Catra questions flatly as she rolls her wrists around, appreciating the newly found freedom. "Well," I start, standing back up and bringing my face closer to Catra's, "That depends on you," I finish, leaning my head to the side and staring Catra in the eye. Her eyes quickly widen in shock before going back dull and looking away. "Let's just go," she answers unexcitedly. We make our way out of the cell and down to the area of the Fright Zone specifically used for transportation. A Horde soldier standing guard takes notice of me and begins standing at full attention. I laugh to myself and continue walking over to the soldier, Catra following closely behind. 

"Lord (Y/N)," the soldier says respectfully as I approach, "Soldier," I greet back, motioning towards a nearby plane, "Is that for us?" I ask, turning around to drag Catra to my side. "Yes, My Lord, the plane is ready for take-off and the course set to the Crimson Waste," the soldier answers, staring directly at me from behind his mask. "Thank you," I reply, grabbing Catra by the wrist, and teleporting us onto the plane. As we materialize on the plane, two Horde soldiers are sitting at the control panel, waiting for their signal. They both scramble to stand up and at attention once they catch sight of me and I wave them away in dismissal. "We're ready," I command hardly. The soldiers nod in agreement and turn their attention back to the control panel before them. I look over to Catra who looked unamused and tired and I motion for her to follow me. "Where are we going?" Catra asks, not bothering to hide her obvious fear. "Not to lock you up if that's what you're wondering," I answer slyly as I begin walking out of the control room. I make my way down a skinny hall as the plane engine rumbles and its wheels begin rolling slowly off of the ground. I reach a shiny metal door and push it open, revealing a small living quarter. Catra follows in and looks around, stopping once her eyes settle on me. "Since this is a ship, there's only one room, looks like we're sharing," I say to Catra, breaking the silence between us. She studies me for a moment before looking away and walking over to the bed. "I thought I was a prisoner?" Catra questions, her eyebrows crinkling slightly. "Is that what you prefer?" I question back, my tone flat and serious. Catra looks down softly before sighing and getting up from the bed. She looks at me one last time before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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