Sore Loser | (Catra)

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(Y/N) looks at me, her eyes piercing with anger, and then she looks over at her friends. She looks like she's repeating something to herself before closing her eyes and teleporting away. "What's wrong with her?" I ask, turning around to face her friends. "She's a sore loser," Enid says plainly. I study their faces and they look bored like they were unimpressed and unsurprised at (Y/N)'s attitude. Indigo asks if I want to ride back on her skiff and I agree. Ethel waves her hand and teleports us all to the skiffs that were waiting for us outside of Erelandia.

There's an eery silence as we race back to the Fright Zone and I wonder if I'm the only one uncomfortable. We land and hop off the skiffs, turning to look at each other. Ethel says something about going back to (Y/N)'s room and I speak up. "How are we going to get in her room without her? Doesn't she have that hand lock on the outside?" I question and they laugh. I feel my ears flatten in embarrassment and Ethel gives me her usual disgusted look. "Do you really think we don't know our sister?" she questions and I feel even more embarrassed as we teleport outside of (Y/N)'s door. Ethel walks up to the keypad, punches in a few numbers and the door hisses open. She pushes past me, rolling her eyes, making her way inside of the huge room. The rest of the girls follow and I hesitantly linger in behind them. They sit for a while talking about the fight and showing off the things they picked up. Enid says something about them eating and Ethel and Sybil join her. I get up to leave the room too but I stop, turning around to face Indigo who was still sitting on (Y/N)'s bed.

"You're not leaving?" I ask and she shakes her head. "You should stay too, she's going to need both of us," Indigo says and I slowly walk back over to the bed, sitting down across from Indigo, our backs facing each other. "So she's usually like this?" I question. "Yeah but it's not her fault, it's Shadow Weaver's, ever since she was really young Shadow Weaver made sure she understood losing was never an option," Indigo confesses. "She was like that with me too," I add, crossing my arms. Indigo shifts slightly behind me but I don't turn around. Instead, I curl my tail closer to me and shuffle my feet a little. "I can't imagine what both of you went through, even knowing everything there is to know about (Y/N), I just can't believe how real it actually is," Indigo says, her voice breaking slightly. "It was hard and it still is but she's lucky to have you," I say, "You two must be really close," I add. "We are, I know everything about her and she knows everything about me, I couldn't have picked a better best friend," Indigo replies happily.

"Well, I don't know you," I say turning around to face her and she does the same. "What do you want to know?" she asks softly. I think for a moment before answering, after all, I had been pushing my luck all day and wasn't sure how much I had left. "Whatever you want me to know," I reply. She shakes her head and blinks slowly, thinking of where to begin. "Well my name is Indigo Moon, and I was born to parents Mona and Azul Moon, I have two sisters, they're twins, and another sister, my dad was a firebender, heir to the Fire Nation throne, my mom well," she pauses, and I don't know what to do so I stare, she looks back and studies me for a little while before continuing, "How much do you know about She-Ra?" she asks, and my body burns at the question. "Not much other than she's Adora and I hate her," I answer. Indigo looks me up and down, her eyes saying more than I could understand and she crosses her arms slowly. "Nothing about this planet is original," she starts, "Long before the First Ones settled here, Etheria was guarded by the one they called the Avatar. The Avatar was master of all four elements and was tasked with bringing balance to the world. The fight between good and evil started long before any of us were ever born and after a while, Etheria lost its guardian, the Avatar just disappeared. A little while after the disappearance of the Avatar, the First Ones came to settle Etheria, they heard rumors of the Avatar and quickly got to work on creating a weapon that was capable of the same power except, their invention's only purpose would be to "balance" the Etheria. They succeeded the best way they knew how by manipulating the power of a Runestone into a sword but they knew the sword could be damaged so they set out to learn how to put that power inside of a person, creating the Second She-Ra or the Spirit of She-Ra. My family created the Kingdom of Half-Moon, the exiled nation of Bright Moon. I wish I could tell you why my family was exiled but I don't know, my dad refuses to talk about it, and well, I never really spent much time here on Etheria anyway. The Moon family has been around for centuries, allowing some very distant relative of mine to have crossed paths with the First Ones, somehow my family ended up becoming the bearers of the Spirit of She-Ra, the problem with that is, it's only passed down to the firstborn daughter of each generation and whenever it's passed on, the previous spirit bearer dies which means,"

"You grow up without a mother," I interrupt and she nods. "My mom never wanted to be She-Ra and she never wanted to have to give up her family for it, so when she found out she was pregnant with me, she spent her entire pregnancy finding ways to stay alive after she gave birth. Eventually, my mom found a solution, and the day she went into labor, she linked her life to that of a phoenix," "What's a phoenix?" I ask interrupting again and she smiles, "It's a bird-human thing that's immortal, basically every time they "die" they get to come back in this epic display of flame and ash," she explains happily. "Sounds cool," I say smiling. "It is, but anyway when my mom linked her life she gave herself the chance to die and come back but when she came back, the Spirit of She-Ra was still inside of her which caused me to be born very sick. Technically, I should've died but my parents managed to find a healer from the water tribe who did all she could to save me. After 4 years of me being sick and near death, my mom decided that she would give up the Spirit of She-Ra even if it meant not being able to be here to see me grow up. This necklace," Indigo says pointing towards her neck, and pulling her shirt down slightly to reveal a silver chain with two dueling swords, "it keeps me from becoming She-Ra, it blocks my magic making me a regular human girl which is what I've always wanted. I've never liked magic, I've never wanted to bend like my dad and siblings, I just always wanted to be a normal girl with a normal family," Indigo says sadly, tears streaming down her face. I reach up to wipe a few tears from her cheek and she smiles.

"The necklace is magically sealed to my skin, the only way it'll come off is if I touch it and I promised myself that I never would. The only time in my life that I ever used magic is when I was sent away to Miss Pentangles to study magic. But the day of graduation, I sealed the necklace to myself. The only good thing about Pentangles was not being here and meeting Ethel, Enid, and Sybil but our relationship wasn't always what you see now. We started off as rivals, you know? considering we were from different witching academies and all" Indigo says and I'm too stunned to reply. I stare at Indigo for a while, taking in her story. "There's literally so much about this planet that I haven't learned about," I say and Indigo reaches out to grab my hand. "You have us now and we can teach you anything you want to know," she says, smiling warmly. I squeeze my fingers a little tighter around hers and she lets out a happy sigh.

"What about you?" she asks and I blink, confused. "What about me?" I question back. "Well, I just told you basically all that my life consists of and so what about you? I know life in the Horde is pretty bad considering all things (Y/N) told me but I bet your experience had to be somewhat different than hers?" Indigo questions carefully. Her warm tone and soft eyes make it impossible for me to be angry at the question and I sigh. "This girl is going to be the death of me," I think to myself as I search for an answer.

"Well, I guess it all starts at me being found outside of the Fright Zone in an applesauce box by Shadow Weaver and Adora," I say, my throat tightening at the memory.

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