The Bridge | (Y/N)

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After a few hours of meditating in Erelandia, I decide to make my way back to the Fright Zone. I give Erelandia one last look as I sigh happily at the sight of their repaired town. "I can't believe I did that," I think to myself as I hop aboard my skiff and race out into the slowly setting sky. I reach the Fright Zone and hop off my skiff, teleporting myself into my room. As I materialize, I see two figures sitting on my bed and I strike a defensive pose, ready to attack the minute I feel my body become whole. 

I look at the figures and drop my stance once I realize it's just Catra and Indigo. They look surprised to see me but I dismiss it, relaxing my shoulders to take off my armor. "Hey," I say, avoiding their eyes as I sit on the edge of my bed, my bare feet placed solidly on the ground. "Hey," Indigo says softly, placing a warm hand on my shoulder. I let out a deep breath and I realize I'm actually exhausted. "I used so much magic today," I say out loud to no one in particular. "Lay down," Indigo says moving over slightly to give me room. I obey and lay back on the bed as she lays beside me, her head on my shoulder. Catra shifts nervously on the other side of me but I ignore it, too exhausted to care. I lay there for a while, just staring at the ceiling quietly as Indigo lays beside me and I give myself a silent thank you for having the idea to bring them along. I would've lost my mind by now if I had to be here alone. Indigo hums softly and I know exactly what song she's about to sing. I reach over and grab her hand as she starts singing. Her pretty and soulful voice lulling me to sleep. 

"These lips can't wait to taste your skin, baby, no, no

And these eyes, yeah, can't wait to see your grin, ooh, ooh, baby
Just let my love
Just let my love adorn you
Please baby, yeah" Indigo sings and I quietly sing along with her. One of the things that I always loved was music and when Indigo found out, she never let me live it down. It became a sort of a tradition for us to sing some song after losing a fight and it always made me feel better. 

"You gotta know

You gotta know
You know that I adore you
Yeah, baby,

Baby these fists will always protect ya, lady

And this mind will never neglect you, yeah, baby, ooh

Oh baby, and if they try to break us down
Don't let that affect us, no baby," Indigo sings powerfully and passionately. I find myself listening harder to the words than I ever had before. I can't help but think about Catra and Adora, this stupid war, and how I fit into it all.  My eyes wet up with warm tears as I continue thinking about everything. In the past 24 hours, I've learned the truth about my past, made a new friend, and most importantly, reopened old wounds. I cry a little harder as the emotion from Indigo's voice overwhelms me, causing me to feel even more. 

Indigo holds me tighter as I continue to cry and I curse myself for crying in front of Catra. I stop crying immediately and wipe my face. I avoid her eyes but I feel the burning sensation of her glare on my skin. I slowly look over at her and she looks sad like she was pitying me. The thought makes me angry but I keep it to myself, making sure to mask the emotions on my face. "Talk to me," Indigo says, drawing my attention away from Catra. I look over and down at her blue-purple eyes and I sigh. "What do you want me to say? My life has literally been turned upside down in less than a night and I know for certain that I'm about to get my ass handed to me for losing today especially to that bitch Adora," I shout and I hear the scraping of metal behind me. I look over at Catra who just looks away and I turn back to Indigo. "One of my moms is a liar and the other is a psychotic bitch on a power trip and now I'm stuck fighting some fight that isn't what I thought it was, I feel like I'm just in the middle of it all with no guidance and no clue what to do, and, and I miss Lonnie," I yell causing a hugely violent burst of air to swirl around my room. 

Indigo grabs my hand tight and places her other hand on my heart. She closes her eyes and lets out deep breaths and I instinctively do the same. "Everything is going to be fine, I know it feels like everything is changing and you're out of control again but we're only here a little while longer and then we can go back home, back to us," she says reassuringly, stroking my hair softly. "Just because we get to go home doesn't mean the problems just stop, I still have to face Sin and I'm still going to be thinking about,--" I stop, knowing that there was no way I was going to admit thinking about Catra. They both turn to look at me, their eyes pressing me to tell the truth but I don't, I can't. I shut my eyes tight and take slow breaths. 

"I promise you, we're going to figure everything out no matter where we are," Indigo says, continuing to stroke my hair softly. I relax and open my eyes, "Yeah, what she said" Catra speaks up, giving my arm a slight shove. I smile and glance at both of them, happy to have them by my side. "Okay," I say calmly as Indigo sits up, turning her entire body to face me. She looks me deep in the eyes and smiles as she holds out her pinky. I smile and hold up my hand.

"Always and Forever," she says, "Always and Forever," I say back, interlocking our pinkies and touching thumbs. 

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