The Tipping Point | (Indigo)

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I sit down on the ground, taking in everything Reign had just predicted for me. I was lost, confused didn't even begin to describe how I am feeling. I sigh and lay back in the grass, staring up at the now setting sun. Catra sits down beside me nervously, not saying anything. I hear the sound of little footsteps running across the soft ground towards me and I sit up, turning around. "Tete!" my cousin shouts as she finally makes her way to me, throwing her tiny body on top of me. "Sparkles!" I shout back at her, picking her up and tossing her into the air as she giggles. Catra raises an eyebrow at me as I place Sparkles on the ground in between us. "Noam, this is Catra, my friend, Catra, this is Noam, my cousin" I introduce happily. Noam gives Catra a huge smile before throwing herself around her in a hug. "Noam, can you show Catra why we call you Sparkles?" I ask patiently and Noam happily agrees, her messy curly hair bobbing up and down in an excited yes. Noam pushes herself off of the ground and takes a few steps to stand directly in front of us. "Sparky, sparky, boom!" Noam yells out in her sweet childish voice as she claps her hands together and extends them straight up into the sky. Sparkling white and blue lights begin bursting in the sky and Noam looks up at us proudly. 

"That was really cool," Catra says, crouching down to Noam's level. "You're really pretty," Noam coos as she reaches out to play in Catra's hair. Catra looks back at me and smiles before turning back around to Noam. "So are you," Catra replies, reaching out to pick Noam up. "How old are you?" Catra asks, bouncing Noam in her arms slightly. "5 and a half, how old are you?" Noam questions back curiously. "Um, 20, "Catra answers unsurely. "So that makes you a big person like Tete, I'm only 5 so I'm a little person," Noam states matter of factly. We giggle as Catra places Noam back on the ground gently. "Sparkles, I know you aren't out here bothering Didi now are you?" a voice sounds from behind us. I turn around to face Lyra, my cousin. Lyra reaches out to hug me and gives me a soft smile as she releases me from the hug. "It's nice to see you," Lyra says warmly. "It's nice to see you too, how's school?" I ask, curious to find out how Lyra has been doing. After all, she was following in my footsteps, straight-A student, president, and captain of nearly every club and team, not to mention being the Manor's best girl was a full-time job in itself. What can I say? My Aunts never settled for anything less than perfect and free time is the Devil's handiwork according to them. "School is great! We get report cards next week but I'm not concerned, I have a 4.5 and I'm still ranked number 1 in my grade, also, speech sectionals were last week, I'm going to state!" Lyra exclaims, a proud smile on her face. "Congrats! I'm so proud of you! I literally could never make it to state, sectionals were murder every year for me," I recall, crossing my arms at the memory. Lyra laughs, and my attention is immediately drawn to the two, deep dimples that rested on both of her cheeks. I turn around and grab Catra by the hand, bringing her to my side. "Lyra, this is Catra, a friend from Etheria," I say proudly as Lyra extends her hand for Catra to shake. 

"Catra, this is Lyra, my cousin who is also from Etheria," I say and Lyra nods her head towards Catra. "It's nice to see you've finally gotten over that little crush on (Y/N), she's cute," Lyra whispers into my ear. "Shut up," I whisper back, shoving her slightly. "It's nice to meet you Catra, I assume you're in the Horde?" Lyra questions, pointing at Catra's force captain badge. Catra reaches behind her, stroking her hair nervously. "Um, yeah, I am," Catra answers, her eyes shifting between the ground and Lyra. "Well, I have to get going, I have school in the morning and homework to finish," Lyra says, picking up Noam and turning towards the house. "Bye," Catra and I call out after her as Noam gives us a small wave goodbye. Catra turns to face me, her eyes searching mines for something to say. "You have a lot of family," Catra says, breaking the semi-awkward silence. "Yeah, I know, I told you we've been around for centuries," I say, turning to sit back down towards the water. "I have to know, what happened with your dad that was so bad it made you join the Horde instead of coming back here?" Catra asks, sitting down beside me. I sigh and roll my eyes, not really wanting to talk about my dad at all but feeling like I owed Catra at least that much. "My dad is a huge and scary man," I start, "He is big on tradition and honor, there's nothing he wouldn't do to save his country and that's a direct quote," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes, "He told me I was disrespectful and dishonoring our family name because I didn't want to practice magic, I was 10," I state, looking over at Catra. Catra looks over at me, reaching out to grab my hand as I continue. "After that, I was the newest student at Miss Pentangle's School of Magic and spending any time that I wasn't at school fulfilling the role of my Aunt's dreams, my life here wasn't bad though, yeah sure, I could technically be considered an orphan but I've never felt like I was without love or without a mom, Aunt Blu and Aunt Marley took great care of me, correction, they take great care of me," I state, "I mean I grew up spending summers in Brazil, Rio, and Africa, and middle school and high school in England, but after I graduated I spent years here just existing, never really feeling like I had a purpose so two years ago, I made the announcement that I was leaving and returning to Etheria, when I got home, Lord Hordak hadn't done much damage but it was clear that he was easily taking over, I begged my dad to fight but the Kingdom of Half-Moon has a history of remaining neutral in times of war, I had heard rumors of (Y/N) and the type of work she was doing in Brotheria so when the day came that she in·evitably showed up in the Kingdom of Half-Moon, I wasted no time agreeing to join her," I explain, "Obviously, my dad wasn't happy about that and said that if I left to fight in the war ,even if I joined the Rebellion instead, that I would bring nothing but shame to our family name, that night he practically banished me and I haven't spoken to him since," I finish, not bothering to mask the obvious anger and disappointment in my voice. 

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