Unexpected Truths | (Catra)

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"So, Shadow Weaver's daughter huh?" I question awkwardly. "Yeah," (Y/N) says shrugging, "not like it's some prize," she remarks coldly. "Wouldn't expect it to be" I snort sarcastically and (Y/N) lets out a deep sigh. (Y/N) stands up and relaxes her shoulders, causing her armor to slip off and hang itself on a nearby wall. "Woah, what? Did you just do that?" I ask her excitedly, my eyes lighting up in curiosity. "Yeah, it's called metal bending," she says proudly. "What else can you do?" I ask and (Y/N) sits down on the bed, giving me a soft smile.

"Well I can do a lot," she starts, her eyes searching for the right words to say, "To put it simply, both of my moms were witches, and they were both extremely strong which ended up making me very powerful," (Y/N) continues, pointing at her chest, "being a witch allows me to have control over all the elements, and I learned how to use them as an extension of myself, my body, and for every element, there are subelements; my mother made sure I learned those too. But elements aside, I'm still a highly skilled witch that can cast and create my own spells" she finishes confidently. "It must be nice knowing where you come from," I say looking down at the ground. "I never said I knew anything," (Y/N) answers back quietly. I lift my head to face her and my eyes lock onto her (E/C) eyes, sadness on both of our faces. "My life, my story, it's complicated," (Y/N) says doing her best to hold back tears. "Welcome to my life," I say ironically and she raises an eyebrow at me. I look around the room quickly, trying to think of something to say. "Your mom wasn't always the nicest," I say my voice trailing off. (Y/N) grabs my hand, catching me by surprise and I look up at her, her eyes searching mines for something more. "She wasn't always nice to me either," she admits unhappily. (Y/N) stands up, lifting the corner of her black shirt; "What are you doing?" I ask softly and she looks at me with sad eyes, "Being honest," she says simply, fully lifting the side of her shirt to reveal a huge scar that runs across her body from her neck to her hip. I gasp in horror, my eyes filling with small tears. (Y/N) drops her shirt and her head as she stares at the ground, shuffling her feet. 

"I--" (Y/N) starts but I hold out my hand to stop her. "You don't have to," I say patiently, bringing myself closer to her on the bed. "No, it's okay, I can talk about it," she says reassuringly, "I'm the youngest force captain in Horde history but before I even made force captain, my mother decided to see how ready I really was," (Y/N) starts and I know that the story isn't going to get better from here, "I made force captain at 14 but was tested at 13. I failed that test," she says hardly, "my mother made sure that I would never fail another test again and most definitely that I wouldn't fail my real force captain test when the time came. The night I failed, my mother called me into the black garnet chamber, she strapped me to a table and she--" (Y/N) pauses, her breath shaky, and her hands clenching into fists so tight that she's drawing blood. I don't know what to say so I brush my tail gently against her arm. (Y/N) relaxes her hands at the touch and the blood immediately clears. "Perks of being magic I guess," I think to myself as I watch her eyes dance around the room, nervously like she was searching for something specific. "She strapped me to a table and she took my magic away," (Y/N) says quietly, "after she took my magic, Shadow Weaver took a blade and cut me from my neck to ankle," she continues, her breath increasing with every word, "Shadow Weaver purposely took my magic so that I couldn't heal, I only got my magic back once it was time for my real test," (Y/N) finishes quietly, looking over to me. 

"I'm sorry," is all I can manage to say, and (Y/N) gives me a warm but sad smile. "You know I'm not even her real daughter," (Y/N) says shrugging, "according to her my real parents were killed by Princesses," she sneers, the obvious hatred seeping through her voice. "I hate them too," I say. "Why?" she asks and I'm caught off guard by the question. I hesitate and blink a few times before answering. "Well, aren't we supposed to?" I question back. "Not necessarily," (Y/N) answers cooly, leaning back on the bed, "all of the girls I brought here with me are Princesses and I love them, they're my family and there's plenty of Princesses in the second division that I guess I could consider a friend," she finishes, smiling at the thought of her home. "So the second division is really cool huh?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "I would like to think so, I mean I built the entire second division around the idea of freedom and choices" (Y/N) says, looking over to me. "Freedom and choices? How can you be the evil Horde if you're giving people a choice?" I ask. "Because, even though people have the chance to make a choice, they still end up having to choose me. They serve me. Think about it, everybody can't be a soldier but everybody can't be a cook either. We need everyone and all of the ideas and talent they have to offer to work. I don't know," she pauses shrugging, "I just think that the people of the second division have a lot to offer and I don't think I should necessarily have to destroy their towns and lives to call myself a leader," (Y/N) finishes, turning to face the wall. 

"You're nothing like your mother," I say quietly, regretting that I ever misjudged her. "I know," (Y/N) replies, still facing the wall. There's a moment of silence as we try and find the right words to say. (Y/N) turns around and sits up, looking me deep in the eyes. "I'm sorry," she says genuinely. "For what?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows at her. "Earlier," (Y/N) replies and she doesn't say anything else. I don't say anything, I just stare at her for a long time, trying to think of a way to comfort her without pushing too hard. (Y/N) looks away and folds her hands, "your magic must be pretty powerful if you have my force captain badge," she voices. "I-- I don't have any magic," I stammer. "What?" she questions turning back around swiftly. "Sure you do, can't you feel it?" (Y/N) questions, her eyes searching mines. "No" I utter. 

"She never told you," (Y/N) shouts in disbelief. "Who? Never told me what?" I ask frantically, grabbing her wrist. "My mother, I don't really know much but I do remember being sent on a mission to steal that crown when I was 10," she says pointing to my mask. "Crown?" I think to myself, convinced that she's crazy or at the very least has me mistaken with someone else. "This isn't a crown, it's just some headband mask thingy Shadow Weaver gave me when I was younger," I state, trying to dismiss the thought of everything she's saying right now. "How young?" (Y/N) questions hardly, her (E/C) eyes flickering with anger. I scoot back on the bed, afraid of her, and my tail curls around my waist. "I don't know, I was like 13 maybe?" I answer panicky. "Do the math Catra, it's the same crown" (Y/N) says, rolling her eyes. "So does that mean you know what happened to my family?" I ask shyly, my ears flattening at the question. "No, I'm sorry. All I can remember is getting told to get the crown, the exact moment I took it and giving it to my mom exactly like that," she states matter of factly. My tail curls around my waist tighter and (Y/N) reaches out to grab my hand. "I may not know what happened to them but I do know how your crown works," (Y/N) says giving me a softly excited smile. 

"Yeah?" I say, my eyes starting to light up with joy. "All you have to do is slide the crown over your eyes and you'll transform. But once you use it for evil it can never be used for good so since you haven't used it yet, I really think you should wait. I feel like you should only use it for the first time when you're clear of mind and in a life or death situation. I mean look how far you've gotten without magic, I'm proud of you" (Y/N) says happily, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. My body warms at her saying she's proud of me and I feel the urge to throw myself around her but I don't. Instead, I give her a weak smile. "Thank you," I say softly, my eyes matching my voice, "You're right. It's cool that I have it and that I'm royalty or whatever but I can do without it" I finish. "Well you don't really have to be without it," (Y/N) answers in a sing-songy voice, "I told you, I'm super powerful," she emphasizes, "I could always give you bending," (Y/N) declares, her eyes begging me to agree. 

"Bending huh? Sure," I agree, leaning my head on her shoulder as she gives my hand an excited squeeze. 

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