Sincerely Shattered | (Y/N)

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"So what element do you want?" I ask softly, trying to do anything I can to make sure she doesn't move her head from my shoulder. After all, I enjoyed the touch and wouldn't minded if it lasted forever. "Which one's your favorite?" Catra asks delicately. "Fire" I answer, content in my voice. "I want fire then," she says calmly. "You know fire can be pretty destructive if you're not careful?" I ask and she lifts her head slightly, turning her head towards my face. "Good," she states, laying her head back down. 

"I--" I stop, unsure of what to say next so I just grab her hand. I close my eyes tight and I feel the magical energy shift through me and into Catra. She tightens her hand slightly around mines and my eyes shoot open, as I let out a deep breath as I feel the energy leave my body. "Did you just do it?" she asks, her dissimilar eyes sparkling with excited energy. The same reckless, destructive energy that sparkles in Enid's and I give her a huge smile. "Yeah, I did but please don't set anything in my room on fire, that's all I ask" I reply pleadingly. Catra laughs and leaps out of the bed excitedly. Before I can give her any instructions, she forms a small flame in her hand and smiles proudly, placing her other hand on her hip. "I could get used to this," she says lowly, closing her hand, diminishing the flame. "Fire is the element of power," I say to her, looking her up and down as she continues creating and diminishing flames. "Firebenders are a special people," I say, "they're strong and they're quick, they use more of an intense and aggressive fighting style, usually aiming more to strike than defend, you draw your power from the sun," I finish shrugging. Catra gives me a warm smile and walks back over to the bed, sitting down next to me. 

"Looks like I picked the right element for me," she says happily, leaning her head on my shoulder again. "We should probably get to bed," I reply, "if you're going to be a fire bender, you have to get up with the sun and we always train at 5," I declare precisely. "AM?" she shrieks and I shake my head in agreement. Catra lets out a disappointed groan and says, "maybe I didn't pick the right element." She throws herself back on the bed, her head landing on a pillow and she looks at me. I look back and I can tell she wants to ask to stay but doesn't really know-how. So I ask for her, "Want to stay?" I question calmly and she looks surprised. "Yeah sure," Catra answers giving me a soft smile. I snap my fingers and teleport underneath my covers and I lay my head on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling. Catra giggles and calls me some special type of lazy and I laugh and tease her for being jealous. "Let your ponytails out, dork," she says softly, teasingly and I sit up, obeying. I unravel the crimson red ribbons holding my ponytail and I release the other two smaller ponytails in front, as all of my long (H/C) hair falls around my face and shoulders. 

"Your hair is nice," she states turning around again, her eyes locked on the ceiling. "Thanks," I reply quietly, "Good night," I say softly, turning around to look at her. I stare for a moment, taking in the color of her eyes and how they contrast but compliment each other at the same time, her long hair and her lips. I feel the urge to kiss her but I dismiss it, knowing that I was just still sad over Lonnie. She turns her eyes towards me, studying my face the same way I did hers and her eyes fall slowly on my lips and she stares for a while before looking away, closing her eyes as she turns her body towards the door. "Good night," she says, her voice barely a whisper. 

I turn over on my side, facing the wall as I close my eyes. I feel Catra's tail rest lightly on top of my hand and I feel my body and mind relax as I drift to sleep. 


I watch as a younger version of my mother performs a spell with some young boy I've never met. I'm caught off guard at how soft and pleasant she looks and I'm really caught off guard when I realize, this is the first time I've ever seen her without her mask. She is so beautiful, I find myself thinking and I realize then, this isn't a dream. I watch as the color of the spell turns bright red, creepy black arms extending from everywhere. The arms swallow Shadow Weaver up and spit her out, she covers her face, as she attempts to secure the cloth that was covering her nose and mouth. "Light Spinner?" the small boy questions and she looks up. "Micah, how could you? After everything I've taught you," Light Spinner or Shadow Weaver, whoever cries, she had one hand over her badly scarred face, "the spell was working!" she yells. "The spell was evil. You saw what it was doing to the room, to us," Micah shouts and suddenly an older man steps forward. "You've always hungered after power. Bringing you into our ranks was a grave mistake", the man says bringing up a glowing blue symbol and expanding it. 

"The only mistake was seeking the approval of a fool like you. You're all weak! None of you deserve my help," she shouts at them. A  few of the other sorceresses shoot blue magic at her, only for Light Spinner to shoot right back, blasting away the other two sorceresses. "The spell worked. I am stronger than all of you" she says confidently. I watch as she continues fighting and throwing out insults, eventually winning and transporting herself to the Fright Zone. I watch as she makes her way to Hordak, electricity popping as she glides effortlessly about. A lady Horde soldier runs over to her, holding an electrified weapon and another soldier comes up next to her. "Halt. What business do you have in the Fright Zone?" the girl asks and Light Spinner flicks her hand, tendrils of dark magic wrapping around the lady Horde soldier and devouring her while she screamed. Light Spinner then walked up to the second guard, who immediately put his hands in the air and dropped his weapon. 

"Tell Hordak there is someone here who can help take him to victory." Light Spinner growls and my view is bought to another place. I watch as Light Spinner who was now Shadow Weaver harness the power from the black garnet chamber with another person. I recognize the woman immediately, it's Sin, the woman my mother tasked with "taking care of me". The two of them work together siphoning all that they can from the black garnet. Once they're done, Sin steps back from the black garnet, holding her obviously pregnant stomach and Shadow Weaver joins her, placing a gentle hand on her stomach. "Everything we do, we're doing for her," Shadow Weaver says reassuringly to Sin who gives her a warm smile. "I know, my love," Sin replies as she gives Shadow Weaver's hand a small kiss, and I'm immediately thrown back into reality. I gasp, sitting up quickly as I search around my dark room for something, anything. 

"Light Spinner" I mumble, trying to piece together the visions or memories that were just given to me. "I wonder why I'm just seeing them now," I think to myself as I try and wrap my head around all that I had just seen. "Huh?" Catra grumbles, opening one sleepy eye to take a peek at me. "Nothing," I say quietly back to her but I guess she can tell that I'm lying so she sits up, turning her head to face me completely. "Are you okay?" she asks, her mismatched eyes glowing in the dark expressing her concern. "Yeah I'm fine, I think I just found out the truth," I say trying to piece together everything in my brain. Even though it's dark, I can tell Catra raised a curious eyebrow at me and I begin explaining to her everything that I saw in my "dream". 

"Shadow Weaver or Light Spinner whatever she wants to be called, lied and my parents never died and I've never been an orphan and I've literally had both of my parents here the entire time and--" I rant and Catra throws herself around me in a tight hug, causing me to stop talking. I take a moment before hugging her back and we stay like that for a while, holding each other tightly, silently. Catra is the first one to pull away and I avoid her eyes disappointedly. "I'm sorry she's actually your mom," she says and I laugh a little because honestly, it is kind of sad. "I guess everything makes sense now, I see why I was never allowed to train with or talk to any of the other cadets, I see why she was so hell-bent on me always being two steps ahead of Adora, but what I don't understand is why she lied about Sin," I state trying to make sense of why Sin never told me the truth either. "Who is Sin?" Catra asks and I let out a sigh. "Apparently, my mom" I answer sadly, "Since I was never allowed to make any friends, and because Shadow Weaver wanted me to be so powerful, I was told that Sin would be like my caregiver, she taught me how to bend, she would heal my bruises when Shadow Weaver would,--" and I pause, my breath beginning to get shaky. Catra leans her head on my shoulder and like always, her touch brings me peace and I feel myself calming down. "Even now, she's living in the 2nd Division with me and she never said anything," I finish, small tears in my eyes and I'm thankful for the dark, hoping Catra won't notice the tears. I wipe them away quickly and Catra's tail curls around my waist. 

"I'm sure she was going to but I can see why she probably didn't," Catra says and I feel my body burn at the answer, causing me to become angry and push her off of me. "Are you taking their side?" I shout at her and Catra extends her claws. "No, I'm not, I'm just saying I understand" she replies with an attitude and I roll my eyes. "I guess," I say, softening my voice and my body. I look over at the clock on my wall and it's 4:45 AM. "I'll find out more soon but for now we need to get ready to train," I say to her as I swing my legs off of the bed and wave my hand to turn on the light. I look over at Catra who still seemed pretty defensive and I try to give her a soft smile to which she just scoffs.

 "Right," she says getting up to leave the room, leaving me completely alone as the door hisses close behind her. 

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