So Do You Like Him?

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John's POV

"I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime?" I asked. Alanna smiled.

"I'd like that." She said, smiling. I smiled.

"Can you tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded," Okay at one I will take you and Lilly to Chuck E Cheese."

"See you then." She said. She waved before going in her room and closing the door. I really like Alanna, I can't wait to see if I can train her. I think she would be an amazing wrestler. I walked to my room before closing the door.

"Out late I see?" a voice startled me. I turned around and saw my roomate Randy.

"Don't scare me like that man." I said walking to my bed. Randy was like one of my closest friends. He was there for me when I got my divorce from Liz. He has helped me a lot.

"I just wanna know where you were. I mean the show ended like two hours ago." he said.

"You didn't see Ted hit the fan?" I asked. He shook his head," Well he hit a fan and I took her backstage to trainers. She had a friend-"

"Woah hold up! Was the friend cute?" Randy asked. I nodded and continued telling him the story. After I was done, he looked at me with his mouth wide open," You lucking bastard."

I sighed," Not really, she has a boyfriend. Well from what she told me. Oh and we are hanging out tomorrow." I laid down in my bed.

"Just you two?" Randy asked yawning. I shook my head.

"No, her daughter is coming with us." I said. I heard snoring. Wow he would fall asleep on me. I turned off the lights before going to sleep.


I woke up with laughing and giggling. I sat up and saw everyone sitting on my bed.

"Okay where is Randy? And how did you all get in here?" I asked looking at them.

"Well Randy is in the shower. And he let us in." AJ answered. I nodded.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Oooo someone has a date." Kelly said, giggling.

"No I don't have a date. I am going to go hang out with a girl." I explained. They all laughed.

"Yeah right man. Thats how it all starts with 'hanging out'." Phil said. I shook my head and looked at the clock. 11:49.

"I gotta get ready," I said getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom," Randy if your not in 20 seconds. I will come in!" The door flew open and out walked Randy with a towel around his waist.

"Someone is excited about a 'hang out'." Randy said chuckling. I flipped him off before going into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me," Love you too Johnny boy!"

"Fuck you Randy." I said. I took my clothes off and got in the shower. 10 minutes later I got out and got dressed. I opened the door and everyone was laughing.

"Okay Kel I dare you to kiss Randy." AJ said.

"Fine." Kelly said. She reached over and kissed Randy for a long time.

"Are they gonna come up for air?" I asked them. Phil and AJ laughed. They pulled away a minute later.

"Finally!" Phil said. I chuckled.

"I was afraid they were going to swallow each other." I said laughing. I walked to the door," Bye guys. Don't eat each other please!" I left closing the door.

Alanna's POV

"No okay! I don't need a boyfriend!" Lauren yelled. I laughed. We have been arguing about her needing a boyfriend for the last half an hour. She really needs one, she hasn't been on a date since last year.

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