Johnny, Daddy Hit Mommy!

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So umm just to say that, this chapter is kinda sad but really violent so just to warn you....


Alanna's POV

Jo was making out with some brunette. I was fucking pissed. He expects me to cheat yet he is the one cheating!

"What the fuck is going on here?!" I yelled. Jo pulled away and looked at me with a shocked expression. I looked at the girl he was kissing and realized it was my enemy from high school. Brianna.

"B-abe wh-at are you doi-ng here?!" Jo asked, shocked. He was drunk and even he knew that. I was so lucky that Lauren was covering Lilly's eyes at the time.

"The question is... What the hell are you doing making out with Brianna?!" I yelled. Jo grabbed my arm and started leading me outside with Lauren and Lilly behind us.

"Jo let go of me!" I screamed. He finally let go when we were outside next to my car.

"Why are you here?" He asked, almost falling over. I shook my head.

"I came here to get more clothes! So why the hell does my house look like its been hit be a fucking drunk tornado?!" I yelled.

"Alanna just get in the car. I will let you borrow clothes. Just don't argue with him, he's drunk." Lauren said, from inside the car. I shook my head towards her.

"Can you fucking blame me?! You are never home and I am always here by myself while you have my daughter with you!" Jo yelled. I crossed my arms.

"Why do you think I always have her with me?! I don't ever want her to experience the hell that you put me through!" I screamed. Lauren ran up to me and pushed me towards the car.

"In the car now, Alanna! He is drunk and you know that's when he does the most." Lauren whispered the last part to me. I nodded and got in the car. Lauren got in the other side and turned on the car before driving away. I saw Jo looking really pissed off before he went back inside. I feel bad for whoever has to deal with a pissed off Jo.

"Don't ever do that again! Lilly was in the back, what would have happened if she saw something?!" Lauren yelled quietly. I turned around and saw Lilly sleeping in the back seat.

"You're right, I'm sorry." I said, hugging her from the side. She laughed.

"Let go Alanna before you make me get into an accident." Lauren said, laughing. I let go of her and sat back to my seat. We got back to the hotel five minutes later and Lauren parked the car. I got out before picking Lilly up from the back seat. We walked into the hotel and went up to our room.

"Can you watch Lil for a second? I have to go talk to John." I asked. She nodded and went inside the room after taking Lilly from me. I walked a few doors down to John's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door seconds later with nothing but his basketball shorts on.

"Are you gonna come in or just keep staring at me?" John asked. I looked up at him and saw him smirking. I rolled my eyes and went inside. He closed the door and walked over to me.

"What did you want?" He asked, taking a sip if his water. I shrugged as I sat down on his bed. He walked over and sat down next to me.

"Just wanted to talk." I said. He gave me a look that told me to go on," About us." I looked down. He lifted my chin up.

"What about us?" John asked.

"I noticed tonight that I really like you and that when I get rid of Jo, I wanna give us a chance." I whispered. I saw John smile.

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