Your Mom And Dad Died Today.

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Lauren's POV

"I think I might me pregnant." I said, quietly while looking down. You see I was suppose to be happy about this but I feel like Mike will have to focus more on me than on his career. And his career is everything to Mike, this will just ruin everything.

"Omg that's great! I'm so happy - wait why aren't you happy?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Sure this is a great thing for me but what about for Mike, I don't think he'll want to basically throw his career away because of this." I said, crossing my arms.

"Lauren, come on! You're overreacting, Mike will do anything for you and I doubt he has to throw his career away just because you're pregnant." She said.

"You just don't get it. Mike has been barely around me because all of this stuff that Vince has him doing and now that there's a baby coming into our lives it's just going to make things even more difficult." I sighed.

"Look I may have only know Mike for a short amount of time compared to you but I do know that he'll probably do whatever he has to do to help you and keep his career going. Lauren he loves you, meaning he'll do anything for you." She explained. I sighed. More like like not loves me.

"I guess you're right but I can't tell him right now, I'm not even sure yet. It'll just be too much to handle so I'll just give it some time." I said. She got up from the couch.

"You haven't token a test yet?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No after a week of throwing up I just figured this out and my period is really late." I said. She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her.

"You're so lucky that John's match is the last match tonight." She said. When we walked out of the locker room John was leaning on the wall across from the door with his arms crossed.

"We'll be back John we just need to get something really quick." Alanna said, before dragging me down the rest of the hall.

"Alanna, you do realize that I can walk by myself right?" I said. We were outside of the arena and looking for a pharmacy.

"Yeah but this was more fun." She said, letting go of my arm. We walked around the blocks near the arena before finding a Walgreens.

"You can lead the way." I said. She rolled her eyes and walked ahead of me, looking for the pregnancy tests.

"Found them." She said, walking into an aisle. She looked through all the pregnancy tests on the shelves and finally chose three different types.

"I thought we only needed one?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well we get more so we could make sure just in case one is wrong." She explained, handing me them. We walked to the cash register and I put the tests on the counter. The lady behind the counter that looked like she could be in her mid-forties smiled at me.

"Congratulations ma'am." She said, ringing up the items. I smiled back," okay that will be $24.64." I handed her the money and she handed me the change.

"Thank you." I smiled again before taking the bag and walking out of the store with Alanna," She seemed really nice."

"Yeah huh, I remember when I went to get a pregnancy test and the lady give me a dirty ass look." She said.

"Oh god, when me and Brad went to get one, the lady behind the counter just shook her head and told us that we should have waited. Brad was about to hurt that lady but then again he was just as pissed off at me." I said. She laughed.

"Wait so have you been talking to Brad?" She asked.

"Well we say hi to each other but I just feel that that's all I can really do right now like maybe sometime in the future I'll think about hanging out with him. Right now it's way too awkward." I said, crossing my arms.

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