What The Hell?!

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John's POV

"You and Alanna are gonna be a couple." Vince said. I looked at Alanna, she was looking down. Then I remembered her boyfriend and how he got mad when she didn't come home on time. This is way worse than that.

"Sir, no offense but I can't do this storyline neither can Alanna." I told him. She shot her head up and looked at me. She shook her head.

"Don't John. I know why your doing this, you don't need to do this. It's just a storyline, he may be upset but its just a storyline." Alanna said, looking at me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.

She nodded," Positive. So when do we start this?" She turned her head back to Vince. Vince took out his papers and looked through them.

"Umm... tonight. She is gonna go out there with you during your match with Ted. Eve is also gonna be at ring side. So if John wins just take it slow and give him a kiss on the cheek then come back here holding hands." Vince explained. We both nodded.

"Thanks sir, we'll see you tonight." I said, standing up. Alanna stood up and we walked out of his office.

"Well, umm this isn't gonna change anything between us right?" She asked, looking at me as we got to the car. I looked at her.

"Nahh it isn't unless your the one that stops talking to me because the fame got to you." I said, smirking. She laughed and pushed me playfully. We got in the car and I started it.

"I think you would be the one to stop talking to me. You are loved by everyone and maybe the fame got to your head a long time ago." She said. I chuckled.

"Do you wanna go eat something?" I asked. We haven't eaten since 9 its now 5:30. She nodded.

"Yeah I'm hungry." She said. I started driving.

"Where do you wanna eat?" I asked.

"Subway?" She asked.

"Yep lets go." I said. We arrived at Subway and I parked the car. I turned off the engine and we got out.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Umm an Spicy Italian with jalepanoes, lettuce, and tomato. And a small coke." She said to the cashier.

"Make that two and a medium sprite." I told the cashier. The man nodded and went to make our sandwiches. He came back with our sandwiches and put them in the bag. And grabbed our drinks.

"It's 15.26." the cashier said. I pulled out my wallet and was about to pay when Alanna grabbed my arm.

"John don't pay for it, I will." Alanna said, grabbing her purse. I pulled out a twenty dollar bill quickly and gave it to the cashier. He gave me the change and our food. I grabbed everything and walked to a table.

"Sit down A." I said. She sat down.

"Why do you always have to pay for me? You payed for McDonald's earlier and now this. You're mean Cena." She said as she took a bite of her sandwich.

I shook my head," I actually really don't know. I guess I've always been like this." I took a sip of my drink and continued eating. I looked at my phone when we finshed eating and realized it was 6:19," You should just tell Kelly and AJ to bring Lauren and Lilly with them to the arena with all the clothes you need because we have to at the arena at 7. It's 6:19."

"Shit. I'll text her right now." She said, pulling out her phone.

Lauren's POV

I pulled away to catch my breath. Mike was caressing my cheek.

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