What The Fuck Is Going On Here?!

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John's POV

She kissed me and I to my surprise too, I kissed her back. She wrapped her arms around my neck and depended the kiss. We kept kissing until someone talked.

"What the hell?!" I heard someone say. Alanna unhooked her arms from behind my neck and I pulled away. I sat up and Alanna stood up. Phil walked in with everyone else.

"Oh yeah you can make out with John in front of Lil but I can't make out with Mike in front of her." Lauren said. Mike had Lilly on his arms.

"I agree with her and that's knowing that you guys were on the floor." Mike said," Before you know it you two would have-"

"We get it Mike." I said. Lilly tapped Mike's shoulder.

"Mikey, what were they going to do if they kept kissing?" Lilly asked him. Phil walked over to him and slapped the back of his head.

"Way to go now she is probably going to have to have the 'talk' with her." Phil said, putting air quotes around talk.

"I don't think so but thanks for teaching her Mike." Alanna said, sarcastically.

"Anyways before we saw you guys making out, we were gonna come ask you guys wanted to come to the pool with us?" Randy asked. I nodded.

"Sure, do you wanna go A?" I asked, turning to face Alanna.

"Okay let's go." Alanna said. They all left to go get there stuff and it was Alanna and I alone all over again.

"Look about that kiss...." I trailed off.

"Umm it's fine." She said, looking at me. I wonder if it was actually wrong of me, that I liked the kiss.

"Look A I don't want to make things awkward between us but what if I liked the kiss?" I asked. She immediately looked down and sighed.

"John....I'm not gonna lie, I liked the kiss but I really can't do this to Lilly. Her having her dad then you...I don't think I can do that." Alanna whispered. I lifted her chin up with my finger and kissed her softly. I pulled away.

"Tell me when you're ready." I said before grabbing my luggage and walked out. I may have just noticed this but Alanna is really beautiful. I like her but I also understand what she is going through so I'll just give her time.

Alanna's POV

He lifted my chin up and kissed me softly. He pulled away.

"Tell me when you're ready." John said. He grabbed his luggage and walked away. I touched my lips with my fingers. I really like John and want to be with him but I can't....I just can't. I sighed before grabbing my bag and walking to the parking lot. The girls were waiting for me in the parking lot.

"Ready?" Kelly asked. I nodded and put my stuff in the trunk before closing it. We all got in the car and started driving to the hotel.

"So care to explain why you and John were eating each other's faces?" AJ asked. I blushed and looked down.

"Uhh well me and John...." I continued telling them the story from when we got backstage to when he left to the parking lot.

"He totally likes you!" Kelly squealed.

"Wait so he kissed you again when we left to get our stuff?" Lauren asked. I bit my lip.

"Yeah then he told me and I quote 'Tell you when you're ready'." I said. I then realized something," Umm you guys where is my daughter?"

"Ohh she wanted to go with Mike and the guys." AJ said. I nodded as we got the hotel and Kelly parked the car. We all got out and went our separate ways to get ready to go to the pool. I pulled out my key as we got to our room and opened the door. Lauren walked in behind me with Lilly before closing the door.

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