I Think I Love You

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Alanna's POV

I finished talking to Vince about my injury and him telling me that it was all okay but I still had to do the segments with John. We were walking to catering with John carrying Lilly.

"Mommy. I want food." Lilly whined.

"We are going sweetie." I answered. We were turning the corner when I almost bumped into Lauren but that's not what caught my eye. What caught my eye was my parents and brother that were standing behind her and Mike.

"Well well well sis looks like we meet again." Brad smirked. My mouth fell open.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked.

"I can't visit anymore." Brad said. His eyes fell to Lilly who was laughing since John was tickling her," Is this my niece?"

"Huh your niece. Yeah right." I said, sarcastically," why are you here anyways?"

"Well I was watching the news and we saw the story on the news about Jo attacking you so-" Brad started but I interrupted him.

"Why would you care though?! You don't care about me! And last time I checked you were the one to pack my bags and throw them in the middle of the street!" I yelled.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a whore. Then maybe you would still be living with us and we might just care about you." Carlos (my ex dad) said. I glared at him.

"I am not a whore. Sure I got pregnant at 17 but it wasn't because I was sleeping around. It was because Jo raped me. I don't need you to care for me because I have Mike, John, and Lauren to do that." I said.

"What happened to you Alanna? You were never like this, you used to be sweet, kind, smart, and now you are like this." Martha (my ex mom) whispered. I shook my head.

"I was forced to grow up because I had a child at 17. I didn't change I'm just not the person that you wanted me to be anymore. I'm way better." I said. I took Lilly from John," Now if you excuse me I have somewhere to be." I walked past them and down to the women's locker room. I entered the room and broke into tears.

How did they freaking find me? It really pisses me off that they want to help now that I don't need their help.

"Mommy why you crying?" Lilly asked. Her little hands went to my cheeks and wiped the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. The door opened and I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind.

"Are you okay?" John whispered in my ear. I laid my head back and looked at him a little.

"Yeah they are just stupid. Where is Lauren and Mike?" I asked.

"Well Mike had a match and Lauren went with Kelly to go see the match in the TV room." John said. He unwrapped his arms and I turned to face him.

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked. John shrugged.

"Well we can leave Lilly to Lauren and we could go to dinner and a movie." John suggested.

"I like that idea but I have to make sure that Lauren can first." I said. He nodded.

"I have to go get ready for my match so I'll see you later." John said. He kissed me softly and walked out.

"Oooo mommy got a boyfriend." Lilly giggled. I looked down at her.

"Maybe..." I said. I still have no clue what the hell John and I are but that doesn't mean that I don't like him. I just want to know what he thinks we are.

Lauren's POV

There was clapping as Mike pinned Seth Rollins to the mat 1-2-3 and the bell rang. I smiled. He came backstage all sweaty and his hair messed up. He came towards me and spun me around. I giggled.

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