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Alanna's POV

"I think I love you." John told me as we pulled away. My eyes widened. He can't! He just can't!

"John..." I trailed off," You can't love me." I looked down. John raised his eyebrows.

"I can't?" He questioned. I looked up at him and saw confusion and hurt written all over his face. I felt really bad.

"John it's not that it's just that...I'm just not ready for this. I'm sorry." I said, getting up. I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out if my pocket.


Hey gorgeous! What are you doing?(:

From: Alanna 

Hey Kel. I'm surprised you even texted me, I thought you would be too busy with Randy right now ;)

From: Kelly 

Hahaha so funny A. But no I'm with AJ since Randy went with Phil to the gym for a late night workout.

From: Alanna  

Are you at your room? I really need to talk to someone.

From: Kelly 

Yeah I'm here just text me when you're here

From: Alanna 

I'm out here so let me in

Seconds later the door opened and I was being dragged into the room.

"Spill now." Kelly demanded. I started fiddling with my thumbs before looking up at them.

"John told me that he uhh loved me." I said. There mouths hung open.

"OMG! Really?!" They screamed happily in unison. I rolled my eyes.

"That is amazing and so fucking sweet, A." AJ smiled," Remind me again why this is bad?" I sighed.

"Well I don't think I'm ready to be in love again. Jo was the last person to tell me that they love me and we all know how that turned out. I've been through so much and I don't want that to happen between me and John." I said. I'm not even sure if I love John. Sure he has done so much for me but I'm not positive. I like John and love him a little. But I'm just not ready for the real thing.

"Look A, John has been through a lot this past year. The divorce really got to him then getting his daughter taken away from him after-" Kelly covered her mouth immediately, realising what she said.

"John has a daughter?!" I asked, surprised. AJ hit the back of Kelly's head.

"Way to go stupid." AJ said. She turned her attention back to me." But yes John does have a daughter, Ali. Liz filed for divorce when Ali was only three months. She got full custody when she told the court that John was on drugs and that he wouldn't have time to spend with her with all of his fame. That's why the court gave her custody and we haven't seen or heard from them since."

"Great I feel like shit now!" I looked down. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't A, you didn't know but now that you do...Do you love him back?" Kelly asked. I shrugged.

"No...yes....maybe....I DON'T KNOW!" I screamed, looking up at them," I know I have strong feelings for him but I'm not sure if I love him."

"If I didn't know you guys I could easily see that you guys were seriously in love." AJ smiled. I shook my head.

"We'll since you know me, you know that John is in love with me and I'm just some random girl that is a bitch for not having feelings for him." I said," but I do have to end up talking to him sometime, no matter how much I don't want to."

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