All Because I Bitch Slapped Nikki Bella

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Alanna's POV

"He's my son isn't he?" John asked. I opened my mouth to say something but stopped.

As if sensing that I was in trouble, Phil walked in.

"I feel like I just walked into something that I might regret later." Phil muttered. I sighed. I was thankful that he was here but John deserves to at least know the truth.

"Can you take JJ and stop by my locker room to get my stuff? I'll meet you in the parking lot and we could head back to the hotel?" Phil nodded, taking JJ from me before walking out.

"Yes." I answered, crossing my arms. John looked at me confused.

"What?" John asked, clearly confused. I took a seat on the bench across from where he was sitting.

"He's your son." He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him," Before you start, let me explain myself," John nodded and I continued," When I first found out I was pregnant, I was scared and upset. I had just started wrestling and all of that happened. I know you, I know you would've wanted to drop everything to help me with the baby and I couldn't let you do that. You were stressed the day I found out John, I remember that, you had a whole bunch of interviews, meetings, dealing with championships, training, and to top it all off you had to worry about Ali. I just couldn't add myself and another child to your already over filled plate of things. I knew that I had to handle everything by myself to not stress you out."

He opened his mouth but closed it. I hated that he was silent. I would prefer for him to be yelling at me instead of just sitting there, silently. After what seemed like hours, he finally spoke up.

"Why would you even think that I wouldn't want to do anything with my child? I don't give if I would have been ten times more stressed, I had the right to know." He said. I was going to argue back but he continued talking," I get it, okay, you had your reasons but that isn't enough. You may have thought that what you did was for me but you kept my son away from me for a year - almost two. I see where you are coming from but you have to see where I'm coming from."

I looked down, playing with my fingers. He was right. I did have to see where he was coming from. I took his unknown son away from him for two years and he never got to be there. I never wanted that, I just wanted to take away some of the situations that were piling up on him.

"You're right, I fucked up, but I'm here now with your son so it's your choice if you want to get to know him or not." I told him. He looked up at me as I stood up. I felt bad for making Phil wait for me for so long and not only that but I left JJ with him.

"I just need time to think this through." He said. I grabbed JJ's bag from the bench.

"You're right so go ahead and take all the time you need." I said," You still have my number, call me when you've made a decision."

And with that, I walked out, leaving him by himself. He needs time and I understand that. I didn't expect him to want to immediately jump into JJ's life. Lets just hope that he actually wants to be apart of his life.


It's been two weeks since I came back to WWE and it's been weird but I'm getting used to it. I met some of the new divas and to say I disliked them would be an understatement. They were so snobby and annoying. Some of those girls don't even know how to wrestle so they're just here for the fame and money.

Nikki was a big bitch though, especially after John decided to be in JJ's life. Nikki told me a whole bunch of shit about how John wasn't even going to look at JJ when their kid was born. And now I know why Phil hates her so much.

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