I Think I Might Be Pregnant

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Alanna's POV

All I could do was stare at him, falling down those stairs. Even when he stopped falling, I couldn't believe it happened. I turned away and stared at Cody who was smirking down at the motionless John. I ran to the bottom of the steps and I felt Cody run after me. I was about bend down next to John when Cody grabbed my arm, pulling me up to his face.

"I don't appreciate being embarrassed on live TV because you couldn't express your true damn feelings behind closed doors. So listen, I don't know what's so damn special about Cena and why he gets everything he fucking wants," he spat," but he will not get you, I will not let him fucking win!"

He grabbed my arm forcefully, trying to drag me out the door on that floor.

"No!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face," John!"

As Cody was dragging me out the door, it swung open and I closed my eyes, not wanting to see anything. I felt Cody let go of my arm and I fell to the floor, crying my eyes out.

My breathing started getting very shakey and heavy to the point where I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Alanna breathe!" I heard someone yell. That only made things worse, I felt like I was holding my breathe without even trying. I tried to open my eyes for them to just close again and then blackout.


I opened my eyes slowly to see that I was in an ambulance. Not lying down on a stretcher but on the little seat next to it. I turned to my side and saw John on the stretcher, he had a neck brace on and was still passed out.

"This is all my fault." I whispered, running my hands through my very messy hair. My voice was very low and croaky due to my dry throat. I couldn't stand seeing him like this and that's knowing that we aren't even at the hospital yet.

The car came to an abrupt stop and the back door to the ambulance opened almost immediately. Two doctors took John out of the ambulance and the nurse helped me get out.

"I'm fine. I don't need help." I said, pulling my arm away from her grasp and running after John. I followed them, holding John's hand until they got into a room.

"I'm sorry ma'am you can't go in beyond this point." The doctor said, walking into the room.

I sighed and walked over to the waiting room. My head was hurting really bad and my throat was sore. All I need was some sleep but that wasn't going to happen until I know that John is okay.

"Mommy!" I heard a voice yell. I looked towards the entrance and saw Lilly run in with Jo and Brad held Ali in his arms.

"Mowwy." Ali said, struggling to get out of Brad's arms. He finally put her down and she wobbled over to me, carefully since she just learned to walk. Lilly sat up on my lap. Ali made it a couple feet to my chair before falling and landing on her butt.

Good thing it was carpet.

"I okay." Ali said. I laughed before getting up with Lilly on my hip and picked up Ali in my other arm.

"I didn't realize you had two daughters." Brad said.

"Well Ali started calling me mom probably because she sees me as one and anyway I spend a lot of time with John so you know she probably thought that I was her mom." I said, smiling at Ali.

"Her real mom?" Jo asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"She signed custody over to John almost two months ago." I said.

"Mowwy, I play." Ali said, pointing to the toys in the corner of the waiting room. I put her and Ali down and they walked over to the toys (Ali with Lilly's help of course).

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