What A Bridesmaid I Am.

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Alanna's POV

"Please, just take me home." I sobbed into Phil's chest. He sighed. I looked up at him and he looked down at me with sympathy.

"Lets go." He said. And in that moment, I didn't care that I had a match, I didn't care about anything, I just wanted to go back to the hotel. I looked back at John who was still getting yelled at by Randy and he looked ready to punch Randy.

I can't believe I even dated that asshole, I never believed that he would do something like this over something so stupid. It was dumb, especially when Nikki actually deserved it. I didn't deserve this even if I did slap his pregnant girlfriend. He knew how I felt about that kind of stuff yet he still did it.

"Are you just going to skip your match?" Phil asked as I gathered my stuff rapidly. I didn't want to spend another second here in this stupid arena. I ignored him and grabbed all of my stuff.

"I just need some rest." I mumbled. He grabbed ahold of my arm.

"Alanna, just tell me what he did. I understand that you're scared-" I cut him off.

"You're right, I'm scared and confused and shocked! I didn't expect that to happen, okay?!" I yelled at him as new tears started falling down my face. He sighed, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him.

"I-" I started but he cut me off.

"Shh, I get it, you don't have to talk if you aren't ready." He told me. I closed my eyes, slowly and all I could see was John's pissed off face looking down at me then Phil and Randy running towards us.

"Alanna!" I pulled away from Phil and saw Lauren running in with a worried look on her face. I immediately attacked her in a hug, almost causing her to fall back. She held me tightly as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"He's just like Jo." Was all I mumbled. It was the only thing that I kept thinking about. He hated Jo so much yet he was just like him. John was just like Jo. I hated even thinking about them being the same type of people but it's true and right now it hurt so much.

"Alanna, what happened?" She asked, when I calmed down. I sat there, silently, playing with my fingers. I wasn't ready to talk about it. I was so shocked that it even happened because it started off as a normal conversation - well I wouldn't say normal because he was yelling at me.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked her. She sighed.

"I'm sorry, hun, I have the kids tonight." She answered. I nodded, understanding. Her kids come first.

Speaking of kids, where's JJ? I immediately got up, realizing that he was with John. Phil was in front of me in a second.

"What's wrong?" He asked, clearly concerned.

"JJ's with John." I said, going for the door. Phil stopped me by leaning on the door," Phil, he's with John! After what he did, I don't want him near JJ!"

"Stop." Phil told me, holding my arms as I started punching him in the chest," I'll go get him, just go with Lauren to the hotel and I'll meet you guys at there." I sighed, crossing my arms. He looked at me with a stern look," You need to relax. Just go back to the hotel and I'll stay with you for the night."

I nodded. I didn't want to be alone tonight. He was the only one that wasn't busy. Lauren had the kids and Kelly and AJ were leaving to New Jersey to plan some things for the wedding. I want to be able to sleep tonight but I don't think that'll be possible.


"Alanna just go to sleep." Phil mumbled, sleepily. I sighed. He got here an hour ago and he's been trying to get me to sleep but instead he was putting himself to sleep.

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