I Won't Stop Until I Do

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Third Person POV

"Alanna!" Renee yelled, chasing after Alanna. She had just come out of Vince's office and everyone was there trying to see what she had to say.

"Can you please leave me alone?" Alanna asked. Renee was still chasing after her not taking no for an answer.

"Alanna we would just like some thoughts on tonight's main event."
Alanna stopped, looking pissed off.

"John Cena is suppose to be teaming with the Shield and Mickie James in a five person mixed tag match. We would just like your thoughts on John and what he is doing. Have you talked to him since Friday?" Renee asked as soon as Alanna stopped walking.

"Look right now, I don't give a shit on what John is doing as a matter of fact I don't care about any of this! At this point im doing with all of this. So all of you especially John can come kiss my ass." With that Alanna stormed off, leaving Renee standing there in shock.

The camera man was the only one chasing after Alanna, following where ever she went.

"Alanna what does this mean for your career here with WWE?" The camera man asked. Alanna stopped just as she was about to push the exit open.

Alanna held up her title high above her head which earned a loud cheer from the fans. Once the fans stopped she brought it back down to below her neck. She looked down at the title before placing a kiss on the belt.

"It means I'm done." She places her belt down on the floor right by the exit before pushing the door open and walking out. With that happening, the screen went black before going into a very boring subway commercial.


John's POV

I stared at the screen. I don't know how long I've been staring at it. The segment finished a while ago and I was just sitting here.

How could Alanna just leave like that? After Friday night, everything was basically back to normal. She forgave me and we made up.

I didn't give her a reason to leave did I?

No I couldn't have, I haven't done anything wrong since Friday.

Maybe she isn't really gone! Maybe she's just in the parking lot waiting for me.

I jumped to my feet, immediately, trying to get to to the parking lot as fast as possible. If she was really there, I didn't want to miss getting to her.

I pushed the door open to the parking lot.

"There it is." I mumbled to myself as I spotted Alanna's car.

I walked over to the car, slowly.

This was just all so odd. She never once mentioned that she was going to leave onscreen for a while. She had no reason to.

When I reached the car, it was empty. No one was there which scared me more.

Where could she be?

I tried to open the car door and to my surprise it was actually unlocked.

"How stupid is she?" I said, shaking my head. I was about to get in the car when I saw a piece of paper on the driver's seat.

Maybe she did leave?

I picked up the paper and saw my name written on it. I sighed before opening it up.

Dear John,
These past few months have been the best time of my life. I haven't felt like this since I first turned sixteen. I haven't had anyone care for me as much as you do. Love me as much as you do. And that is why this is so hard for me to do. I don't know how long I'll be gone or if I'll even end up coming back. I need time away from here, a lot of time just to myself. I know right now you're probably blaming yourself but don't because it isn't your fault. It's just me needing time. I really need this time to myself so please don't try and look for me or call me. I'll go back when I'm ready...I love you so much John. I'll see you soon.

By the end of the note there were little tears, threatening to pour out. How could she just leave like that? I understand she needs time but she could have at least told me why.

I didn't want to lose Alanna. I didn't want to not be able to see her. I wasn't going to listen to her. I'm going to find her. I won't stop until I do.


Really short chapter. I just wanted to add this is to sort of show how John is feeling.

Okay so umm next chapter is going to be when she comes back cause I don't want you guys to like have them apart for so long plus it will take a long time to write. So next chapter is a year and a half later.

Should be up soon.


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