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Alanna's POV

My mouth dropped open as I saw him fall down the stairs. This couldn't be happening, I just came in here to stop him but he did it anyways.

His body finally stopped rolling at the end of the second flight of stairs. I was lost for words. Just seeing his motionless body at the bottom of the steps scared me. I was finally able to move after I was out of my shock and ran down the stairs, in my heels.

"Oh my..." I covered my mouth as tears filled my eyes. This was all my fault if I didn't go out with him in the first place no of this would have happened. To think that I thought he was the the evil one but it turned out he wasn't.

I dropped to my knees in front of his body, and cried," Can we get some help over here?!"

I yelled at the top of my lungs. The camera guy was still at the top of the steps in shock staring down at us. The show stopped rolling right after I ran in to stop him and thank god for that I wouldn't want anyone to witness why just happened.

I don't remember what happened after that I fell into a complete shock, I just remember watching him being carried out in a stretcher.

~Four Hours Earlier~

Alanna's POV

"Cody stop tickling me!" I squealed. He chuckled and kept tickling me.

"Not until you say sorry." He said.

"It's your fault." I giggled. Someone tapped his shoulder which made him stop tickling me and turn around.

"Vince wants to see you in his office." Phil said. He nodded and kissed me.

"Wait for me here. I'll come back after I finish talking to him." Cody said, pecking my lips one last time before walking away.

"You're still into Rhodes huh?" Phil said, getting up on the storage cart and sitting next to me.

"It's been a week Phil and you guys still hate me for going out with him. I like Cody, I really like him." I said.

"I don't hate you, A. It's just that you technically chose him over Lilly. I know you like him but are you sure you know the real Cody Rhodes?" He asked. I sighed looking down at my hands.

I haven't seen Lilly in a week because Lauren took her from me the day I went out with Cody. I don't believe that Cody took her, I mean come on I may not know Cody that well but I know he isn't that type of person.

"Phil, you know I love Lilly and I trust anything that she says but this is just something that I don't know if she's right about." I said.

"And how do you know that? A, she was the one that saw him, she spent almost three days with him. I believe it was Cody that took her and that kind of says something, I believe in your daughter but you don't." Phil said, jumping off the crate.

"You know I thought out of all people that you would be the one to support me through all this but you're the one that's against me." I whispered, shaking my head.

"A, you are such a good friend to me just like I am to you but this is something that I can't support you through because this time you actually made the wrong decision." He said.

"You're making me seem like the bad guy when I'm not. Have you seen how Cody treats me, way better than John and I'm happy why can't you just be happy for me?" I asked.

"Cody makes you happy? Did you not realize that you did the exact same thing that John was afraid you were going to do. You left him for Cody just like Liz did." Phil said. I sat there, staring at him for a split second. I did the exact same thing not because of Cody but because John was being a dickhead and Cody was there, probably the exact same thing John did with Liz.

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