I Was Going To Miss All Of This

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Alanna's POV

"Poor Alanna."

"I can't believe that happened."

"Hey everyone shut up, she's waking up."

I opened my eyes slowly. There was like five faces surrounding me. I closed my eyes again.

"Did she wake up?" Someone asked,"Everyone just give her some space."

"Where am I? What happened?" I asked, opening my eyes. I looked around to everyone that was sitting in the room.

"In trainers." I heard Kelly answer. I sat up, quickly, remembering what happened.

"Where's John?" I asked, staring at all of them. Randy spoke up first.

"Alanna, maybe you should lay down. You hit your head pretty hard." He said, pushing me down, slightly.

"I don't want to lay down! I want to know why John pushed me off the stage?!" I yelled. Randy sat down and looked over at Phil. Phil sighed.

"Its apart of a story line-" I interrupted him.

"He pushed me off a stage for a fucking story line?!" I asked, standing up.

"Alanna, you need to lay down and let him finish telling you." AJ said, pointing to the bed. I crossed my arms, not moving.

"Explain." I said, glaring at Phil. He sighed again.

"Well umm Vince wanted John to turn heel so this was the way he wanted it so John could join the Shield." Phil said.

That just made me more angry. John knew about this and didn't decide to fucking tell me?! I'm the one that fell off a fifteen foot high stage not him! I have the right to know about this stuff.

"He decided not to tell me." I said, shaking my head.


"How could he just fucking do that?! Do I not deserve to know that I'm going to fall off a stage?!" I said, raising my voice.

"It wasn't his choice. Vince made him not tell you. He wanted your reaction to all this to be more real." Randy said, not letting me interrupt.

"And couldn't he just tell Vince to fuck off?!" I asked.

"Okay so you wanted John to go tell his boss to 'fuck off'. Do you want John to be jobless?" Kelly told me, rolling her eyes. I sighed.

"I need to go talk to him." I said, trying to grab my belt from Kelly.

"No okay. Alanna you fell off a stage not even twenty minutes ago and you want to go talk. The doctor said you needed to lay down for a while, probably until tomorrow morning or you'll start to feel lightheaded." Kelly said, sternly.

"Look I don't care about doctor's orders right now, just give me my belt and let me go back to the hotel to lay down." I said, pissed off. She gave me the belt.

I walked out on a mission to find John. I needed to hear him tell me that this is all just for a stupid story line. I'm not even mad that he threw me off the stage. Everyone gets a few bruises, that's what comes with the job. The only thing that bothers me is that he didn't tell me about it even if Vince didn't want him to.

I walked into the locker room, hoping to fine John but I didn't. The only thing in the room was my bag on the bench. I sighed, walking over to it.

Of course he would leave. He always does this when he's afraid to talk to me. I drove my car here today, luckily.

I grabbed a random shirt from my bag - which happens to be one of John's neon shirts and slipped it on. I stuffed my belt into the bag before zipping it up.

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