I Was Wondering If You Wanna Hang Out Sometime?

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Alanna's POV

"Alanna! Are you ready?" Lauren yelled. My name is Alanna and I am 22 years old. I have blonde and black hair. Today my best friend Lauren and I got tickets to go see Monday Night Raw. I finished getting ready and went downstairs.

"Yep," I said. I was wearing dark washed skinny jeans with a one-shoulder top. My daughter Lillian ran up to me.

"Mommy are we going to go see John Cena?" Lilly asked. I nodded. I always watched Raw with Lilly and she loved watching John Cena wrestle. The front door swung open and in came in Jo.

"Where are you going?!" Jo asked. He never liked me going out or staying out late with Lauren but she is the only one that I have had since my parents kicked me out.

"I told you me and Lauren are taking Lilly to go see Monday Night Raw tonight." I said, getting my stuff.

"Fine but you better be back when it finishes." he said. I nodded and we left.

"He seemed mad." Lauren said. I held Lilly's hand and we got in the car.

"No he is always like that." I said. She laughed. She started driving to the arena. When we got there, people were everywhere trying to get into the arena. Lauren parked the car we got out, we got inside and took our seats. Lauren was on the last seat of the row next to the stairs then next to her was Lilly then me. We were a few rows from the front.

"This is going to be awesome!" Lauren yelled over all the music. The fireworks went on signaling that the show was going to start. We all started screaming and clapping.


The show was going great and it was the last match. It was AJ against Eve. John Cena came out and sat with Jerry and Cole.

"John what are you doing here?" Jerry asked.

"Well Jerry, I am not going to let Ted come out here again and try to interfere in his girlfriend's matches." John said. Eve and AJ came out and the bell rang. AJ had the upper hand then Eve kicked her in the gut and through her out of the ring.

"What does that matter to you Cena?" Cole asked. Eve kept hitting her then through her over the baracade.

"Shut up Cole. Where is Eve taking her?" John asked. AJ was trying to walk away and stared walking up the stairs until they were fighting in front of us. Ted came out of no where and was going to hit AJ but she ducked and he hit Lauren.

He hit Lauren! I ran next to her on the floor. She was out cold. I saw John Cena running up the steps. He did the AA on Ted before bending down helping me with Lauren.

"Come on. I'll take her backstage to trainer's. So come with me and bring the little girl with you." John said. I nodded and he picked up Lauren and walked down the steps until we made it backstage. Lilly wouldn't stop talking about how John Cena was so close to her. We got to the trainer's room and went inside.

"What happened?" the doctor asked. John put Lauren down and looked at me.

"She got punched by Ted." I said. Lilly was pulling on my pant leg.

"Mommy is Lauren going to be okay?" Lilly asked. I looked at the doctor and he nodded.

"Yeah sweetie." I said.

"You can stay with Kelly and AJ if you want." John asked.

"I'm okay." I said. I picked Lilly up and she kept smiling.

"So how old is she?" John asked. Lilly held up her hand showing 5 fingers,"how old are you then and whats your name?"

"I am 22 and its Alanna and this is Lilly." I said. He looked at me, shocked.

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