You Took Her?!

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John's POV

It's been three days since Lilly went missing. In those three days, the police set up an investigation but they still haven't found anything. Alanna hasn't come out of Lilly's room, she hasn't even talked to anyone. I have been trying to take care of Ali by myself and its really hard but Lauren and Mike have been helping me. Everytime we mention Lilly's name to Lauren, she just starts to cry, thinking that it's her fault that Lilly is missing - no matter how many times we tell her it isn't.

Now that Ali was taking a nap, I decided to go see how Alanna was doing. We have all been scared and very protective of her, afraid that she might end up doing something she will regret. I opened the door slowly and saw that Alanna was curled up in a ball on Lilly's bed.

"Babe,do you need anything?" I asked, walking over to her slowly.

"I need my baby." She said softly. She hugged Lilly's stuffed unicorn and cried harder. I sighed.

"They are going to find her. They are doing everything they possibly can to find her and bring her back safely. She got out of the hotel room so she couldn't possibly make it that far." I told her. I laid down next her and wrapped my arms around her.

"John, no someone toke her. Lilly knows better than to leave anywhere without Lauren or me. I don't know who but I have a feeling we know him/her." She whispered.

"Okay but we can't just stop what is going on in our lives so we can wait for her to come back. A, I know you want to just wait for them to find her but we can't do anything about it, until they find her, we have to keep our lives going." I told her.

"I know but I just miss her so much." She cried. I gripped her tighter when she started shaking.

"I know you do but tonight, we have Raw and you have a Divas Championship match so we are going." I said. She looked up at me.

"Do we have to?" She pouted. I chuckled.

"I thought since you were upset that maybe you would like to take your anger out on Brie." I said. Her face lit up.

"That actually sounds like a good idea." She smiled. I kissed her forehead.

"Good, now go get ready while I go get Ali ready and our gym bags." I said, getting up. She got up and walked towards her dresser before going into the bathroom. I walked out to find Ali wide awake and sitting on the bed, looking around. her eyes landed on me and her face lit up.

"Dada!" She said, stretching her arms out to me. I froze. That was the very first thing she said - well at least since she got here. I smiled widely and picked her up.

"Who am I?" I asked her. She giggled as I ticked her.

"Dada, dada, dada!" She sang. I chuckled.

"Awww she's trying to say daddy." Alanna said, walking into the room. She was brushing her hair. I smiled at what she was wearing, It was nice to see her in actual clothes instead of the pajamas that she was wearing for the past three days. She was wearing turquoise jeans with a white V-neck and tan Sperry's.

"You look beautiful." I told her. She smiled.

"Thanks. So are you ready to go?" She asked. I grabbed Ali's diaper bag that was on the bed and my gym bag. She already had her gym bag on her shoulder.

"Yeah let's go." I said. Alanna picked up Ali and we started walking downstairs to the parking lot.

Alanna's POV

When we got to the arena, John grabbed our bags while I got Ali out of the back seat. When we were about to get into the arena, the press showed up out of nowhere.

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