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Alanna's POV

"Alanna, wait up!" He yelled after me. I don't know how long I've been running, but since I was getting tired, I can tell it was a long time.

"Alanna, what did I do?" He asked. I stopped running, clearly not knowing if I could anymore.

"You kissed me, John." I said, not turning around to face him. I probably looked like a mess. All sweaty and there was a couple tears that started to fall, so my makeup was obviously ruined.

"Alanna-" I cut him off.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked," It hasn't even been a week since you broke up with Nikki!"

"Do you think it matters that it's only been a week since I broke up with Nikki?" He asked, rhetorically," I have waited close to two years to kiss you again."

"It hasn't been some huge secret that I'm still in love with you, A." He continued.

"John, I can't." I told him with my voice cracking at the end. God, if I kept talking to him, there was going to be tears soon.

"Why can't you? What's holding you back?" He asked. I sighed, looking up at the sky.

"So I can wait for you, but you can't wait for me?" I asked, not answering his question," John, I loved you, and even though I didn't show it, I was waiting forever for you to break up with Nikki. Now, that you're over her, you suddenly confess that you still love me, and you expect me to just go along with it?"

"What if I got over you, John?" I asked, finally turning around to look at him," All those months of waiting for you to dump her."

He looked down at me, clearly not knowing what to say.

I needed Phil to come and save me from this, like he always does. I didn't want to be here, having a conversation about this with John.

"I'm just asking--begging you for one last chance." He said," I want us to try again. To try as be a family with all the kids. I want us to try and be together again, Alanna."

"You can't tell me that you don't miss all those good times that we had." He said. I closed my eyes as soon as I saw his eyes fill with tears. I didn't want to see John cry," If you want to take things slow, we'll take things slow, but please, I'm begging you for one last chance."

I don't know if I want to give John another chance. I thought that I had left everything that had to do with John back in Hawaii. All those feelings for him were left back there, but I can't deny that I didn't feel anything when he kissed me.

It was a short kiss, but it felt like a lot more. Now that I think about it, I regret pushing him away.

I let out a small breathe, that I didn't even realize that I was holding in," If I give you another chance, we have to go extremely slow, John. I don't want to rush into this relationship again, not after how it ended last time."

"I can't hurt that many people again, John, I hope you know that." I told him. He nodded, quickly.

"Thanks for giving me a second chance, A, you won't regret it."

...Present Day...

"Why are we doing this again?" I asked Lauren as she dragged me into the ring. The arena was almost vacant and the crew was just a couple of minutes away from taking everything down, but Lauren had dragged me out here. There was a few members of the audience that were taking their time to get out of the arena.

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