I Don't Understand These Girls

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Alanna's POV

AJ was running at me and I stood up which was a really bad idea because she slammed me onto the floor. There was a whole bunch of screaming going on as I tried to push her off of me. She had way to much strength for a girl her size.

"You stupid whore!" She yelled at me as she punched me. I struggled against her as she tried to continue punching me. I could already feel the blood, dripping down my nose. She just kept yelling insults at me. She had the right to be mad but not mad at me, mad at Phil. Yep, I threw him under the bus. He wasn't at fault either, he was drunk. Yeah, maybe he should have something that tells him 'I have a fiancé I probably shouldn't be doing this'.

"Get off of me!" I yelled at her. After what seemed like forever, I was able to punch her. It wasn't because I wanted to fight back, it was because she was going to far with this and I needed her off of me. She fell on the floor next to me and I quickly scrambled to my feet. I hid behind Phil as he pushed me behind him.

I screamed as she tried to come after me again. Phil held her back but you could see that even he was struggling. He finally got her on his shoulder and threw her into the pool. Randy immediately swam over and held her back.

"Are you okay?" Phil asked, examining my face. A bloody nose and a busted lip, yeah I was okay. I nodded as Lauren handed me a towel. Everyone was now silent beside AJ's screaming at me. We are definitely lucky that there was no one else at the pool right now.

"Will you calm the fuck down?!" Phil yelled at AJ. She shut up. I was really shocked, Phil looked beyond angry," You took it too damn far, AJ!"

"You guys kissed. How did you expect me to react?" AJ asked, pushing Randy off of her. John gave me a little cup of water which I drank up, quickly. My nose was killing me. I pressed the towel on my nose to try to clean up the blood.

"Alanna didn't kiss him." Lauren said," Phil was drunk last night and he kissed her."

Phil glared at her for her to glare back at him.

"You can't fucking pretend like you didnt do anything Phil." Lauren said, rolling her eyes. She has a point.

Phil sighed and looked over at AJ - who was now on the other side of the pool with a towel wrapped around her," She's right. I was beyond drunk last night, you could ask Randy - he stayed sober all night. I don't know how in the hell I ended up at her room or why I even kissed her but she pushed me away, she let me pass out on her floor. She didn't do anything wrong last night, AJ, it was all me and I'm sorry."

Nothing was said for the longest time, all that was heard was John telling me to sit still as he put some ointment on my lip. It was really awkward because no one knew what to say and AJ was crying. Phil looked like he wanted to go comfort her but he didn't move from next to me. The next thing that was said, shocked everyone.

"I don't think this wedding should happen." AJ said, loud enough for all of us to hear. My eyes widened at what she said. She couldn't be that mad over this. I mean I understand that what Phil did was wrong but to call the wedding off because of something Phil did when he was drunk, was just taking it way too far.

"AJ come on." Phil said, softly. I could tell that he was about to breakdown, start crying. I know that if he was going to start to cry then I was going to cry because I've never seen Phil cry before and that would just upset me.

She didn't say anything as she took the ring off her finger. Wow, this is really happening. She looked at the ring before throwing it over at us. It landed right by my foot but Phil didn't make any effort to pick it up. Everyone was way to shocked to say anything.

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