What Was John Doing?

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John's POV

I walked down the long hallway looking for the right room. I can't believe Mickie would go and attack Alanna and knowing Mickie she had a reason for attacking her. It's just like she never left. She would always be doing this crazy shit which was the reason she got fired in the first place.

Just as I reached the correct room, the door opened and Vince walked out with Mickie.

"Ah, John just the person I was looking for." He said. I glared at Mickie while she just stood next to Vince looking all innocent.

"What's up, sir?" I asked not taking my eyes off Mickie.

"Well you're turning heel." He said. I immediately moved my head to stare at him. He couldn't be serious right?

"Why? I thought you said it was best for me to stay as a face." I told him, confused.

"I did, John but that was before Mickie came to me with this amazing idea." He smiled towards Mickie. Of course this was her idea. She would do anything to get rid of every girl that even thinks about me.

"So John. We thought that the best way for you to John heel is for you to join The Shield and that's where Mickie comes in. Tonight was the first step, her attacking Alanna to send some sort of message. The rest will be given to you by Friday." Vince said, like it was the best thing in the world.

"Wait so what you're trying to say is that I'm turning my back on Alanna?" I asked. He nodded, slowly," Vince why? Does she even know about this?"

"No she does not and I don't want you telling her. If she doesn't know, her reaction will be more realistic when it all goes down." He replied. I looked at Mickie then back at Vince before sighing.

"Fine." I mumbled. He nodded, smiling.

"It wasn't a choice John but good to know you approve." He told me before walking away. I didn't miss the smirk Mickie sent my way before following after him.

I can't believe Vince would listen to Mickie, her of all people especially after what happened last time. It annoyed me so much, I would be fine if it was any one else but her.


Alanna's POV

"How are you holding up?" John asked, wrapping his arm around me. I shrugged, looking down. We had just stepped out of the church, where the funeral was being held. There was a lot of crying in there, even Brad was crying when he finished his little speech.

I was forced to say something. It was straight to the point and short which I why I didn't end up crying. Well at least in there. As soon as I stepped outside, the tears started falling freely.

"Do you want to go talk to Brad?" He asked. I looked up to see Brad at the bottom of the steps with a girl and Jordan. I really wanted to talk to him because it was pretty obvious that our parents' death hurt him way too much.

"Yeah I guess I'll go talk to him." I said. John pulled his phone out.

"I got to take this. Go talk to him, I'll be over there." He said, walking away. I sighed, walking over to Brad slowly. This was probably the last time, I see him for a while. He decided to stay here in London to take care of Jordan and be on top of his cases.

"Hey come here.." Brad said, opening his arms. I ran into his arms.

"They're really gone." I mumbled, clinging onto him. He sighed.

"They'll always be here in our hearts." He said. He placed me down so my feet we're touching the floor again.

"And in little Jordan." I smiled, slightly. I met Jordan yesterday. He is so adorable and for only being two, he is so smart. Jordan is the perfect combination of both my parents.

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