What Are You Doing Here?!

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pic of Alanna~~~~~~~>


Mike's POV

I got to my room and realized that Lauren had my key so I walked back to their room. When I got there I saw Alanna's boyfriend coming out of their room with his hands all bloody. I immediately assumed something. I grabbed him by his shirt and put him against the wall.

"What the hell did you do?!" I yelled. He smirked.

"Oh what are you another one of Lauren's sex buddies?" He said. I punched him in the face, making him bleed.

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck you did?!" I yelled. He was fuming with anger.

"You'll see." He said, before pushing me away. He punched me in the face and I speared him to the floor.

"Dick head." I mumbled before walking into their room. I walked into the hallway and things were broken everywhere. I entered the living room and saw something I would never want to see again. Alanna's face was all bloody and she was unconscious, on Lauren's lap. Lauren was crying her eyes out and her lip was busted open," Dear lord what did I just walk into?"

I walked over to Lauren, trying to touch her face but she jerked away.

"Don't fucking touch me." She said, with her hair all over the place. I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"It's me Lauren." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me and broke into more tears," Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Mike he slapped me, threw me against the wall, and stepped on my leg. But that's nothing compared to what he did to Alanna..." She trailed off. I hugged her.

"Where is Lilly?" I asked, nervously looking around. Suddenly Lauren sat up.

"Where is she? Lilly! Hunny! Where are you?!" Lauren yelled. The door to her room opened a bit and Lilly came out with her eyes red and puffy. Her eyes moved down to Alanna and she ran over to us.

"Mommy!" She yelled. She grabbed Alanna's hand and broke into more tears," Mommy please don't die."

"Sweetie, mommy isn't going to die." Lauren sniffled. John ran in with everyone else.

"What the hell happened?!" Kelly yelled, looking around. She put her hand over her mouth. Lilly turned around and saw John before jumping into his arms.

"Johnny, please help mommy." Lilly whispered," She can't die John, she just can't." John hugged her more.

"It's okay Lil she isn't gonna die." John said, still in shock at the scene in front of him.

"What happened?" Randy whispered in shock. Lauren looked up at them.

"Jo attacked us." Lauren whispered, before crying again. I put my arm around her and let her cry into my chest.

"Is that why he was knocked out in the middle of the hallway?" AJ asked. Lauren looked up at me.

"What did you do?" She asked. I sighed and told them what happened between me and Jo. When I was done I earned a kiss from Lauren," Thanks."

"Hey guys don't you think that we should take Alanna to a hospital?" Phil asked. We all nodded.

"Yeah and Lauren too. You need to get your leg checked out." I said, looking at her.

"It's not that bad Mike." She said.

"Really? Then go stand up." I said. She stood up but immediately fell to the floor.

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