Want To Go Out Sometime?

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Alanna's POV

I stared at Cody wondering why he would have Lilly. He shook his head.

"No I found her when I got to my room last night, she was there on the floor and it was like five so I didn't want to wake you. Thats why I just let her sleep there until I brought her to you this morning. I have no clue who left her there but she looked really bruised up." Cody said. I nodded and put Lilly down.

"Say thank you Lilly." I told her. She hid behind me leg and looked up at Cody with fear.

"She didn't talk to me the whole night I think it was because she was scared and she didn't know me." He explained.

"Yeah she gets like that when she is around someone she doesn't know." I said.

"It's okay. I have to go talk to Ted so I'll talk to you later?" He asked. I nodded. Lilly was pulling on my pant leg and I looked down at her.

"Johnnyyy." She whined. Kelly was staring at me in shock.

"Sweetie I'm not with John anymore." I told her.

"Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!" She said, stomping her feet," I want Johnny!"

The people around us were staring at us. I picked Lilly up as she kept kicking.

"Lilly calm down." I told her.

"Just take her to John if she wants to see him." Kelly said. I walked away with Lilly and looked around for John. I found him talking to Phil while he had Ali in his arms. I walked up to them.

"Johnny." Lilly said, strecthing her arms to him. He handed Ali to Phil and took Lilly. He smiled brightly.

"Where have you been monkey?" He asked her. Lilly shook her head.

"In a very bad place." Lilly whispered. She wrapped her arms aound John tightly," Even if you not with mommy, you still love me right?"

John glanced back at me before turning his attention to Lilly," I will still love you monkey."

"Liwy." Ali said. I smiled at her. Lilly smiled.

"You heard that Johnny! She said my name." Lilly said, excitedly.

"Yeah she did. I have to go to get my luggage, so you can go with your mom." John said. I took her from him. He looked at me for a couple seconds before walking away.

"Well that wasn't awkward at all." Phil said, sarcastically. He still had Ali.

"I didn't try to make it awkward, she just wanted to come see him." I said.

"What happened anyway?" He asked. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it.

"He got jealous when I got a ride to the hotel from Cody. I don't get why though, he left me at the arena to get back to the hotel by myself. He was just jealous and it was just because I got a ride home from him and I kissed his cheek." I said. Phil's eyes widened.

"Wait Rhodes?" Phil asked. I nodded," Oh well there is a whole back story behind that."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well that is the whole reason Liz left John. Liz and Cody were dating behind his back so they got divorced. She didn't even know if John was the father but at the end she found out that he was. Cody hated John and John hated Cody. They have never liked each other." Phil explained.

"Wait so he was just jealous becuse he was afraid of what happened with Liz will happen again with me?" I asked. Phil nodded.

"That's basically it. He probably didn't want to lose you like he did Liz." Phil said.

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