Lilly Wants to Talk to You

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Alanna's POV

"Have you guys seen Phil?" I asked a couple of techies. They shook there heads. I sighed as I continued asking people while walking backstage.

I had some great news for him and I knew for a fact that he would be so happy.

"He's just coming backstage from his match." One of the camera people told me. I gave him a thankful smile before following the signs that led me to gorilla. I hadn't really seen Phil much these days. I was giving him his space and he hardly ever leaves his room. He obviously comes to all of the events but then after that it's like he disappears off the face of the earth.

Just as I got to gorilla, he was walking down the steps and was handed a bottle of water and a towel.

"Phil, I have amazing news." I said, pulling him to one of the crates. Phil just looked at me in confusion.

"What kind of good news?" Phil asked before drinking some of his water. I gave him a smile.

"So AJ texted me yesterday and told me that I should tell you that you need to be in Jersey to get your tux fitted tomorrow." I told him with a smile. He looked at me, still confused. Oh come on. How could he not have gotten that?

"Why would I need to get my tux fitted if she doesn't know if the wedding is happening?" He asked in confusion.

"Phil, if your getting your tux fitted then the wedding is obviously happening." I told him, slowly. It took him a second to realize what I said before I was pulled into a hug.

"Oh my god, I'm getting married! I knew she would forgive me!" Phil yelled, in excitement. I smiled at him," I got to go tell Vince. I only have three days to get everything ready - holy shit, I told my parents that-"

"Phil, calm down. AJ already called everyone and told them that the wedding is happening so all you have to do is get your tux fitted and then you go get married." I told him. I had never seen him so happy. These past five days have been terrible for him and now he's getting married in less than three days.

He smiled," God, I've never been so happy."

"I know, now hurry up and go get changed so you can talk to Vince." I told him, pushing him. He hugged me one more time before running off.


"JJ, shhhh, it's okay." I told him as he screamed. I sighed, rocking him back and forth. He's been screaming for the past hour and I already called John but he wouldn't answer. Even though I've had more experience with JJ, John could quiet him down by just holding him.

I put him down on the bed, knowing that I wasn't getting anywhere with this. I picked up my phone and failed John's number. It rang and rang and rang and just when I thought it was going to go to voicemail, he answered.

"Hello?" John answered, tiredly. I sighed, knowing that I woke him up. At this point, I didn't care because I needed my sleep too and JJ wasn't going to let me get that.

"Hey John." I said. I heard him sigh.

"I hear him screaming, I'll be over in five minutes." John said. I thanked him before hanging up.

"You're daddy's coming baby." I muttered, taking one of his hands. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. His screaming died down a little but he was still crying.

I sighed, throwing myself on the bed. I actually thought this was going to be easy. I would be wrestling and I would be taking care of JJ as if it were nothing but now I realize how little sleep I've been getting. JJ still wakes up in the middle of the night which is when we get back from the arena and I'm already worn out.

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