First day of the trip.

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Lofi and tom arrived at the school. Excited and their bags filled with snacks and clothing

" Ah.. I'm so excited!" Lofi thought

" I can't wait to go! I just hope Emma won't spy on us again.." lofi thought

She grabbed her backpack and little snack. And hurried off downstairs

"Later mom!" Lofi said

"See you soon Lofi! Hope you have a safe trip!" Lofi's mom said back.

Lofi ran off straight to school happily

* A few minutes later*

Lofi arrived at the school gate. Meeting tom along the way

"Hey Tom!" Lofi said

"Oh hey lofi.. how are you?" Tom said

"I'm alright. How about you?" Lofi asked back

" I'm happy and excited! It's a field trip after all!" Tom said excitedly

"Yeah.. well. We should go to our class first." Lofi said

"Yeah.. let's go then." Tom said.

Tom and lofi sat down at their classroom and sat at their chair.

The teacher came in and began explaining. Both didn't really listen. And just did their stuff.

"Lofi? Tom? Everyone is already lined up?" The teacher asked confused

Tom quickly stood up. Blushing a bit and with lofi. Quickly lined up.

The class quickly sat at their bus seats. Since lofi and Tom screwed up. They got the last seats

" Uhm.. lofi and Tom. I hope you won't mind seating together since there's only one row of seat remaining." The teacher said

Tom and lofi though blushed a bit. Decided not to think about it

They found their seat and..

"So.. it's the two seat row..?" Tom asked nervously.

"Y..yeah.. I guess it's alright" lofi said hiding her blush

They put their bags aside and sat at their chairs

"Can I have the window seat?" Lofi asked

"Sure. I don't mind." Tom said

After sitting down the bus began moving forward and lofi and Tom sat a bit akwardly

After a few minutes..

"Say.. wanna have a snack?" Tom asked

Lofi laughed a bit

"Already? I mean isn't it too early?" Lofi asked

" Hehe. I just like eating y'know." Tom said.

"Hm.. here I have Doritos and coca cola." Lofi said.

" The most based bus snacks." Tom said joking

"Not wrong. So what do you have?' lofi asked

" Oreo's and chocolate milk." Tom said

" Really? That sounds good." Lofi said back

"Wanna share? As long as you share your part of course." Tom said

"Sure!" Lofi said happily.

They began snacking

"Hm.. it's really delicious" lofi said

"Yeah.. though sweet and savory don't mix well." Tom said

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