discharged and recovery

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It has been a few days since the operation.

Tom was discharged early since his surgery went perfect.

"Well.. I'm going now lofi." Tom said

"Alright then. Stay safe!" Lofi said.

"Yeah! I will visit you soon!" Tom said.

Tom soon rolled his wheelchair out. And left the hospital.

Now it was 8 days after tom got discharged. It was now lofi's time to leave the hospital.

"Lofi!" Tom said

"Tom?" Lofi aksed back

"Yup. It's me. How are you today?" Tom asked.

"Well.. I'm going back home. And catch up on the missed school work." Lofi said smiling

"Well.  Alright then. I'm just going to wait here." Tom said

"T..tom you shouldn't. It's going to take a long time." Lofi said.

"Nah. I have nothing to do. Plus. I have a lot to thank you for." Tom said smiling

"T..thanks." lofi said slightly red.

"Let me check on you.." tom said.

He still was stuck but he got used to the wheelchair.

"It must be tiring huh. Rolling the wheelchair" lofi said.

"Heh. Slightly. But im fine with it.' Tom said.

"So.. how's your leg?" Lofi aksed

"I can slowly walk now. Which is good.." tom said.

After some checks..

"Alright..you seem to be alright.." tom said

" So.. when can I be discharged?" Lofi asked

"As soon as your parents pay of course." Tom said laughing a bit.

Lofi giggled. And nodded her head.

After some time. The doctor came.

"Alright ms. Lofi. I think it's time for you to leave." The doctor said

Lofi stood up. And took her first step.

The pain was gone. And she was now back normal

"How is it?" The doctor aksed

"My leg is alright. It doesn't hurt anymore." Lofi said

"That's good." Tom said.

"Alright. Please follow us." The doctor said.

Lofi Walked with the doctor but realized tom was struggling to catch up.

"*Sigh.* Its so tiring." Tom thought.

Lofi soon have him a small helping hand.

"Eh?! Lofi?" Tom asked confused and blushing

" You look tired. So I'm here to lend you a hand. Or two." Lofi said smiling

Tom just blushed and thanked her

"Lofi!" Lofi's mom said.

"And tom. You were visiting my daughter right?" Lofi's mom said.

Tom nodded his head slightly blushing.

"That's nice if you. How about you come and follow us back home? Lofi's mom aksed

"Alright then!" Tom said.

Soon all three went to lofi's house.

"Alright tom. Go to lofi's room ok? And don't do anything.. you know." Lofi's mom said making tom and lofi blush

"C..c'mon now tom." Lofi said.

"Your room is really nice." Tom said

Soon both of them discussed about the boring and ussual school stuff.

"Holy smokes. I missed a lot." Lofi said

Tom nodded his head and continued to help lofi

"Alright here.." tom said.

After some time.. they finally finished their homework. And after that. They became slightly bored.

"So.. tom. Want to watch something?" Lofi asked.

"Watch what?" Tom aksed

"How about youtube?' lofi suggested

Lofi pulled out her phone. And began scrolling through the screen.


" Hey lofi. You like reading novels?" Tom asked

"Uhm.. yeah." Lofi said blushing slightly.

" Aren't these romantic novels?" Tom aksed

"Y.. yeah.. it's just to pass time." Lofi said.

" Want to read them?" Tom aksed

"S..sure" lofi said blushing.

Both of them read some of the novels. Both of them blush of course.

It was sometimes pretty embarrassing. But they were bored so it was alright.

" Heh. That's funny." Lofi said laughing.

"Holy smokes. You have a lot of books. You seemed to like novels so much " tom said.

" Y.. yeah. It's just something I love to read." Lofi said.

Tom suddenly found something else.

"Hey. What's this?" Tom asked.

"Oh. That's my special earphones. I've had that thing for a long time."lofi said.

" It's really cool." Tom said.

As tom walked bringing and talking about the earphones.

Suddenly his left felt something.

"ah!" Tom shouted.

Suddenly. He and the earphone dropped

"Tom?! Are you alright?" Lofi aksed

"I'm fine.. but.. I think I might have.." tom said giving lofi the earphones.

The earphones looked recked. And lofi knew he had broke it.

"I..it's broken.." lofi said. Sadly

"I..I'm I'm so sorry.." tom said

"It's fine tom.. it was an accident." Lofi said.

Tom suddenly grabbed the earphones.

"Can.. I bring this back home? I will fix it." Tom said.

"Tom.. you shouldn't.. it wasn't your fault.. and.. you're still injured." Lofi said hesitated

"I wilk fix it. Don't worry." Tom said.

Lofi finally gave up and gave tom the earphones.

As tom walked outside he opened his phone

"How to fix earphones.." tom aksed himself


--- to be continued ---

Seeya soon ?

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