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Say hello to the bright year of 2021!

Anyways.. here's the story!

Lofi woke up. It was December 31st. And her parents were going to celebrate new year! was more like a festival. The whole community prepared for new year. And she can't wait to go.

"Hm.. I wish he would join us though.." lofi thought

Lofi took a long shower. And prepared for new year. When suddenly..

"Lofi! Someone is looking for you!" Lofi's mom said

"Wait mom!" Lofi said

Lofi wore some clothes and went outside

"Tom?" Lofi aksed blushing n

"Hey lofi!" Tom said excited

" Are you ready for new year?" Tom aksed

Lofi blushed and nodded her head.

"Yeah. We're going to the community new year festival right?" Lofi aksed

Tom blushed and nodded his head.

"Yeah. I still can't believe our parents agreed." Tom said blushing

"Yeah... It sure is nice." Lofi said

"Well.. can you stay outside for some time." Lofi said

"I.. have to change clothes" lofi said blushing slightly

Tom blushed and immediately went out

Lofi silently took her new clothes and wore it. Before she realized something

"Right.. there's a zipper In the back." Lofi thought

"Mom?" Lofi said

"Yes hunny?" Lofi's mom aksed

"Can you help me?" Lofi aksed

"I'm sorry. I'm busy. How about tom?" Lofi's mom aksed

Lofi blushed. But she knew she had no choice

"Tom? Can you help me?" Lofi aksed

"S .sure.." tom said nervously

Tom went inside

"Oh! You need me to zip it?" Tom aksed

"Yeah.." lofi said blushing

Tom blushed and pulled the zip.

"'s.a bit.. sticky huh?" Tom aksed

"Yeah.."lofi said blushing

" alright.. yeah.. it's slightly stuck..' tom said

Tom pulled it until it finally went to the top

"There ya go!" Tom said.

Lofi blushed and thanked tom

"Thanks tom." Lofi said.

Lofi pulled out her make up.

"I'm.. going to wear some make up." Lofi said happily.

Lofi wore the make up.

Both of them got ready. After some hours if putting on some make up. It was time for them to go.

"It's already afternoon." Lofi said

"Yeah.. but you look really nice!" Tom said complementing lofi

Lofi blushed and thanked lofi.

"Thanks.. you too " lofi said

They both quickly went to lofi's mom.

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