A late night game

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"well then. Wanna give them a visit?" Leo asked

"Who?" Tom asked

"Our nextdoor neighbor." Leo said

"Uh.. really? I mean it's not like i have a problem with it.." tom said back nervously

"Well then. I'll take that as a yes. Let's go!" Leo said excitedly

"G..gimme a sec would ya?!" Tom said back

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Tom continued

" I'm bored c'mon!' Leo said

" Ok ok let's go!" Tom said back

They rushed out the door

*Knock knock*

" Eh? Who's outside?" Lofi asked Emma

"I'll go check!" Emma said.

*Emma opened the door *

"Hey emma." Leo said

"O..oh hi Leo hi Tom." Emma said nervously

"Oh hey Tom! Hey Leo!" Lofi said

"What are you doing coming here?" Lofi continued

" Nothing really. Just bored" Leo said

"Wanna play games?" Tom asked

" Yeah!" Lofi said

" Sure i guess." Emma said.

Tom closed the door and everyone quickly sat down.

"Well.. what will be the first game?" Tom aksed

" Truth or dare." Emma said

"Oh! Great idea. I'll use the bottle to chose who goes first." Lofi said

"Eh... Yeah sure." Leo said a bit nervous.

A quick spin.

The bottle went to Emma

"AWW FU.." Emma shouted

Everyone giggled a bit

" FINE! Dare!" Emma said

"Imma not tell you any of mah secrets" Emma continued

" Well.. then..."Leo said looking a bit happy

" Do something embarrassing" Leo said

"W..WHA? Like what?" Emma said

"I don't know. Do a stupid dance " Leo said

" Gah.. fine." Tom said

* 1 TikTok dance later*

"WOTTH IT!" Leo shouted


"Well might as well." Tom said

Tom pushed the bottle again.

A few spins later and it landed at lofi.

" Aw.. shucks" lofi said.

"Hehe! C'mon lofi pick something!' Emma said

"Yeah! C'mon!" Tom said

" I.. uh.. truth? I don't have a lot to lose anyeai." Lofi said

" Who do you li.." emma said before getting cutted off

"Not that. Just not that." Lofi said with her eyes looking straight like the demon

"O..okay okay. Uh.." Emma said thinking

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