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"It's morning already.." lofi thought.

She got out of her bed and went through her bathroom.

Everything seemed to be normal..

"Mom! I'm going to school!" Lofi said

"Alright sweetie!" Lofis mom said.

She walked to school. Nothing strange happened. It was just a normal day..

" Hey lofi." Tom said.

"Oh tom. How are you?" Lofi asked

"I'm alright.. I just have a weird feeling." Tom said back.

Lofi just giggled.

Tom was just being tom again.

"So. Did you study last night?" Lofi asked

" A bit.." tom said.

"Alright then!  That's good.." lofi said.

" Alright class. Today is test day. Please take out a pencil and your exam paper." The teacher said.

"... EXAM DAY?!" lofi thought

Lofi grabbed her exam paper..

" I didn't even got to study for the exam..." Lofi thought.

As the teacher gave out the exams. She got it first

"This.. is hard..." Lofi thought.

Lofi tried her best. But she knew she was going to fail. One way or another.

"Alright class! Please put your tests here. And go have lunch." The teacher said.

Lofi putted her exam paper and went outside.

"Phew. I need to refresh." Lofi thought.

"Lofi! Hi!" Tom said.

"Tom! C'mon now. Let's eat." Lofi said.

Lofi realized tom wasn't like ussual. He was more open and more confident then he ussualy was.

But he still wore his hoodie.

"How was the exam?" Lofi aksed

"Ah.. alright?" Tom said slightly embarrassed.

Lofi giggled.

"Sure.." lofi said.

They both are their food. And enjoyed it.

And went back to class..

"Alright everyone. Please pay attention!" The teacher said.

"Tomorrow. We will have another test coming. So I hope you can study the subjects" the teacher continued

After some time. The class doors open.
It was the end of class!

Lofi walked back to her house. Happy as always. But she went to Tom first of course

"Tom. Wanna meet at the library?" Lofi aksed

"Sure! Just gimme a second.." tom said.

Soon both went to the library. They studied for quite some time. Before the librarian came to them and told them to leave.

"It's already six?" Lofi aksed

"Yeah let's go!" Tom said.

After going outside..

"Welp that was nice." Lofi said.

" Heh. That's why I had a small crush on you." Tom said silently

Lofi paused.

"I'm sorry. what?" Lofi aksed

"Oh! Uh.. wanna get I ice cream?" Tom suggested

"Sure..." Lofi said. Still interested.

Tom bought lofi some ice cream. But they both seperated and lofi went back to her house.

As she opens the door..

"Mom?" Lofi aksed.

"That's weird.. this doesn't seem like my apartment." Lofi thought.

It was dark.. it was scary.. until she saw a weird person

" Wait.. dad?" Lofi aksed

"How does this make sense?! Dad died when I was born.?!" Lofi thought sadly

"And.. he was murdered.." lofi thought scaredly.

Suddenly. Someone came to him.

And stabbed him.

"EH?!" Lofi screamed.

But before she got out the person came to her.

"I'm sorry. But I don't leave witnesses." The person said

Lofi tried to break free.

"Who are you?!" Lofi asked

"I'm tom. Your father's murderer" he said smiling.

Suddenly he pulled out a pistol

"And now die silently." He said


" AHH!" Lofi screamed

"Eh.. it was just a dream.. it was just a dream.." lofi thought

" Was it really a dream?" Lofi thought again. While looking around.

She made sure she was alive..

And looked at the mirror.

"I can't.. study when I don't know the truth.." lofi thought

"I need to ask tom.. junior?"

"That is true.. I never asked him about his father.." lofi thought.

"Maybe his father.. was responsible.." lofi thought.

Lofi didn't knew what happened to his father's murderer. But she wanted justice.

For her and him.

" I  even bother if he knew of the whole thing." Lofi thought.

It was going to be hard.. but she had to do it.

She was getting closer to solve her father's mystery. But she needed more sleep

"I will have to ask him tomorrow. There's no other way." Lofi thought.

She went back to her bed. And thought of a plan to ask him

It should be easy.. right?

--- to be continued ---


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