A gift from my heart!

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It has been a few days.

Lofi has been working hard on the canvas. And after weeks. It payed off.
It was really beautiful and she hoped tom would like it.

And the last days have passed. And now it was time for tom to celebrate his very special day!

* Celebration day! *

Lofi woke up that day. It was a holiday. And she set off to finish the last thing she needed.

"Hm.. what close should I wear.." lofi thought

She picked her clothes. And prepared.

"Mom? Where is my lipstick?" Lofi aksed

"Lipstick?" Lofi's mom aksed.

Lofi reminded her mom about the birthday

"Right! I'll make you the prettiest girl at school!" Lofi's mom said.

She went to the store and got some last minute stuff.

After some hours. It was time for her to go.

Lofi wore the clothes and used the make up her mom got her.

Lofi's mom also got ready.

After some time. Both of them set off to Tom's house!

They boarded a taxi. To Tom's house.

In the meantime. Lofi was nervous

" Will he like my gift?" Lofi aksed.

"Or will he literally throw it away?" Lofi aksed herself.

After some long thoughts. They arrived at tom's house.

"C'mon lofi. Knock on the door." Lofi's mom encouraged.

*Knock knock*

"Yes? Who is it?" Tom's mom aksed

"Hey! It's me!" Lofi's mom said.

"How long has it been?" They said as they hugged

Lofi went pass her mom and went to tom.

And there he was. Tom.

"Oh! Uh.. hi lofi." Tom said blushing.

"H..hi Tom.." lofi said blushing too.

"Y..you look really nice today." Tom said

" Y..you too." Lofi said.

There was a small silence between them

" I never thought you'll come to my birthday." Tom said

"Thanks lofi" tom continued

"I..it's fine. I'm glad to be here "lofi said.

"Well.. you're the birthday boy after all." Lofi said smiling

They talked for some time. Before their parents return.

"Alright then. Let's sing happy birthday!" Lofi's mom said.

"Now.. lofi.. I heard from your mom that you're good with singing right?" Tom's mom aksed

Lofi wad slightly embarrassed. But nodded her head

"Well.. c'mon lofi! Sing Happy birthday to the birthday boy!" Lofi's mom said.

Lofi was really shy. So she was really nervous

"C..can I do this?" Lofi aksed herself.

" Well.. there's only 3 people anyways." Lofi thought

Lofi prepared her throat.

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