Why I Wear This Hoodie.

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"who's your father?" Lofi asked tom

"M..my father?" Tom aksed nervously

"Yeah.. I want to know more." Lofi said.

Tom looked away. With a clear sense of guilt. As if he carries the sin of his father

"I..I'm not proud of my dad." Tom said

"Can I ask you why?" Lofi asked

"He.. well.. he was a murderer" tom said sadly

"Oh.." lofi said

"He.. well.. I.. feel extremely guilty.. for the sin of my dad.." tom said with guilt

"Tom.. it's fine.. you didn't do anything wrong.." lofi reassured.

"T..thanks.. I'm just.. I just.. I don't know.." tom said with guilt

"I..well.. I just can't rid of guilt.. I felt as if I'm responsible" tom said guilt

"Tom.. I'm sure you're alright.." lofi said

"You're a really nice and kind guy.." lofi said

Tom just blushed

"Thanks.. it means a. Lot to me." Tom said sadly

"It's not a problem. Were friends after all." Lofi said

There was some silence

"Lofi may I ask you something?" Tom aksed

"Yeah?" Lofi asked

"Well.. why did you.. suddenly ask me about my father?" Tom aksed sadly

Lofi stayed silent. She was in a lost of words..

"Tom.. I don't know.." lofi said.

"Is it because.. he.." tom said in a sad tone.

"Is it because he killed your father?" Tom aksed in extreme guilt

Lofi wad shocked. And out of words.

What was she going to say?!

"Well.. I.. well.. I just.. had.. a dream.. and we'll.." lofi said trying to gather her words.

Tom just stayed silent

"I'm sorry lofi." Tom said sadly

"I'm so sorry.." tom said

Lofi went to tom and hugged him.

"Sh.. it's fine tom.. don't apologise." Lofi said

"B..but.. my dad..", tom said. Guilty

"Your dad. Is not you. You're a nice. And helpful guy!" Lofi said calming tom down.

"T..thanks.." tom said. He was also in a lost of words.

And then..


"Tom? Tom? Are you crying?" Lofi aksed noticing something wet.

"It really means a lot for someone to say that to me." Tom said hugging lofi tighter.

"It's alright.. it's alright..", lofi said calming him down

"I'm glad I met you lofi. And I'm sorry.. For what my dad did." Tom said guilty

"Sh.. no more apologizing alright?.. you're a nice boy." Lofi said.

They stayed there for some time. While lofi finally calmed tom down.

"Lofi?" Tom aksed

"Yeah?" Lofi aksed

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