A small sacrifice.

113 4 3

Also. The story is a bit short and a bit.. weird. I was rushing a bit.

Sorry if you didn't like it very much. I have been busy recently

I wish you all well


Lofi sat at her bed. Bored.

The doctor came to the room again.

" Excuse me. I'm searching for mr. Tom?" The doctor aksed.

"That would be me. What's the matter?" Tom aksed.

"We have scheduled your new operation schedule. Today at.. 3pm."
The doctor said

"I'm alright with that." Tom said.

After the doctor left.

"So.. it's time for your operation now." Lofi said

"Yeah.." tom said nervously.

" Welp. You should be fine.." lofi reassured

"Thanks lofi.. " tom said blushing.

"So.. how's your leg now?" Tom continued

"It's alright.. it just hurts slightly time to time." Lofi said

"Well.. you should be fine!" Tom reassured

"Thanks tom." Lofi said.

Soon the food arrived.

"Hospital food is really trash." Lofi said

"Yeah.. they have no taste." Tom said.

They ate their meal. And talked for some more time.

"Tom?" A voice said

"Mom!" Tom said excited.

"Ah.. hello." Tom's mom said to lofi.

"Mom. This is lofi.." tom introduced

"L..lofi?" Tom's mom aksed

"Yeah! It's nice to meet you." Lofi said

"It's not an issue. Speaking of which.." tom's mom said

"Tom. I heard your operation is almost here. Are you scared?" Tom's mom aksed

"Well.. I was. But I'm fine now." Tom said.

The doctor soon came in.

"Alright mr. Tom it is time for your operation" the doctor said

"Alright then." Tom said.

Tom was moved to the operating table. With his hoodie still on.

"Bye lofi.see you soon" tom said

"Bye tom.' lofi said.

Tom was brought to the doctor. For a pretty tough operation.

*A few hours later*

"Alright.. it's going well.." the doctor said.

"Doctor! The patient is losing a lot of blood" the nurse panicked

The doctor soon went and checked on the patient.

After assessing the situation. The doctor knew that he needed blood. And fast.

"What was his blood type?" The doctor aksed.

"It's.. B+" the nurse said.

But the doctor knew. That the blood type was pretty rare at the area.

"Do.. we have B+ at the storage?" The doctor aksed.

The nurse soon checked.

"Sir. We don't have any more B+ blood." The nurse said

But tom was losing more blood the later they delay

" Do we have anyone who can donate blood?" The doctor aksed.

The nurse hurriedly went through the blood tests.

"There's. One person with an O- blood type." The nurse said.

"Really? Who is it?" The doctor aksed


*Back to lofi*

Lofi sat at the bed peacefully. Her mom just came in. And talked with tom's mom.

" Your girl has really grown up." Tom mom's said.

"Yeah. She's really smart too." Lofi's mom said

Suddenly the doctor came in.

" Could we talk to the mother of lofi and Tom?" The doctor asked.

The doctor talked to the parents. And lofis mom came back.

"Mom? Is there anything wrong?" Lofi aksed worriedly.

"Lofi. The hospital..Is asking if you would donate some of your blood."lofi's mom said

"What? What happened?" Lofi aksed

"Uhm.. one of the patient is running out of blood. And your blood type can save him" lofi's mom said

"Now.. will you try?" Lofi's mom aksed

Lofi sat in disbelief. Because she knew who was running out of blood

When someone's life is on the line. She doesn't hesitate.

"Yes mom. I'm alright with it." Lofi said strongly.

Lofi was extremely scared of needles. But for her friend? She will be fine with it.

"Alright ms. Lofi.. stay put.." the doctor said.

She nearly screamed. Before slowly lost her vision.

"Ms lofi?" The doctor aksed.

"S..she fainted I think." The nurse said

It was dangerous to take blood from someone underaged.

But it was their last option.

They knew she could possibly have some internal injuries. But with her consent.

It would be fine.

After some time. The doctor slowly and carefully took as much blood as possible .

"This should be enough " the doctor said.

They soon brought the blood to the operating room.

Tom already lost a lot of blood. And the new blood saved his life.


"He's running dry of blood."
The nurse said.

Thanks to lofi's sacrifice. The operation managed to be successful.

"Patient is stable.. blood lost contained.. operation successful." The doctor said

Everyone sighed in relief.

Tom was now stable

Tom soon was brought into the room.

"Uh.. ah.. where am I?" Lofi asked

"Lofi! You're awake!" Tom said.

"Tom.. why do I feel so weak?" Lofi aksed

"No no no. You need to rest." Tom said.

Lofi soon went back to bed. Tom who was tired also went back to bed.

He smiled. Thanking the person who saved his life.

And the next morning. Both of them will be fine.. right?

Will they? Or will something. Snag them?

--- To be continued ---

Everything is alright. Stay safe everyone !


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