works on the canvas.

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Lofi woke up quiet early. And set out to school. It was Friday. And tomorrow. She was going to the doctor.

"Hm.. let's get ready so I can meet tom.."

"AH WHAT AM I THINKING?!" Lofi thought.

Lofi took a shower. And ate her meal.

"Alright mom! I'm going now!" Lofi said.

"Bye sweetie!" Lofi's mom said.

Lofi soon walked to school. She brought her canvas.

"His birthday is coming soon." Lofi thought.

She finally arrived at school only to be met by tom!

"Lofi?" Tom aksed

"Oh tom! Hi! How are you today?" Lofi aksed smiling

"I'm great. And I didn't tell my mom." Tom said

"Oh? You haven't?" Lofi aksed interested

"Well.. I want to keep it hidden for some time." Tom said.

"Let's go lofi." Tom said smiling back

Lofi nodded her head in agreement.
And both of them sat at their seats.

The teacher then came. And both began to listen to the teacher.

Although lofi was still thinking about the painting.

"Hm.. the background should be.. blue I think." Lofi thought

Still imaginating the painting. Lofi struggled to focus st class.

"Pss... Lofi. Are you there?" Tom aksed.

"Eh? Oh yeah.. where's the teacher?" Lofi aksed.

"Uhm.. class is done already?" Tom asked confused.

Lofi realized she didn't listen at all to the teacher.

"Ohh.. I must have missed the teacher." Lofi thought.

Tom just looked at her.

"She's really cute when she's confused." Tom thought

He soon got rid of the thought and invited lofi for lunch.

"C'mon lofi! Let's eat before were too late!" Tom said.

"Ok ok.. " lofi said back.

Soon they both find a private place to eat.

" So.. you're going to the doctor tomorrow?" Tom asked.

"Yeah! I should be fine though.." lofi said.

"You know.. the nurse told me that she was worried of you already having a deep infection." Tom said.

"I wish you well!" Tom said smiling

"Oh.. t..thanks." lofi said blushing.

Lofi thought of the canvas. And wondered how to surprise him.

"Hey tom.." lofi said

"Yeah? What's wrong lofi?" Tom said

" Can I.. take your picture?" Lofi asked nicely

Tom blushed slightly.

"Why?" Tom aksed

"'s for something special." Lofi said. Making him blush more.

"Oh.. uhm.. I'll consider it.." tom said.

" Alright then.." lofi said.

After some time. The class bell rang. And both of them sat back at their chair. And opened their book

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