The New Kid.

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Lofi woke up early just like her schedule. She washed her face. And got ready for school.

It seemed to be just a normal day. Nothing special..

Lofi soon ate her breakfast. Grabbed her backpack. And set out for school.

She walked alone like always. Looking at the way to her school.

On the way he saw an unfamiliar face. It seemed to be a new boy.

"Huh. I must be mistaken." Lofi thought

Her school wasn't big. And rarely got new students. So she continued her walk ignoring the boy.

As she went inside her class. She sat at an isolated seat. Being a nerdy person.

She was bullied quite a lot. And the chair next to her was always empty.

Although the teacher tried to get someone sit next to her. They all said no.

Lofi grabbed her book. And her note and pen. She liked helping the teacher. But not really a "smart" student.

As she waited she saw the pack of girls who bullied her every day.

She closed her eyes. And got ready

"Alright students! Please open page 5"
The teacher said

Lofi breathed a sigh of relief. The group soon went back to their class. And lofi sat patiently.

After a few hours. Lofi wrote some notes when the principal suddenly came in.

"Hello everyone." The principal said

"Today. I would like to introduce you to a new student." The principal continued.

The student peeked before pulling back his head

Lofi giggled slightly. She thought it was pretty cute.

"C'mon.. you can do this." The principal reassured.

Soon the student went to the front of the class. He wore a hoodie which covered his face.

"I.. uh.. hello everyone. My name.. is. John. I hope we can study together." John. said shyly.

The class stayed silent before laughing. And booing.

He looked back at the teacher. And looked back when the teacher tried to silent the class

Everyone laughed at him. Except lofi.

She had more of an..

"I understand what you feeling" face .

"Alright then tom.. please sit at the empty chair.." the teacher said

He looked around to find a single seat. Next to a girl.

He sweated nervously before bringing himself to sit.

The teacher the talked about respect.. school rules.. and how to treat the new student.

Lofi looked at the boy wearing the hoodie. It was just like her a few years ago. Only that some girls took it off. And destroyed it

It made her sad. That hoodie was her grandmother's.

She knitted the whole hoodie. But it was now gone..

She then watched the teacher. They didn't talked a lot but lofi was quite happy.

After all at least she has a neighbor to talk too.

After another hour. It was lunch time.

She grabbed her bento and straight up went to her secret spot.

Ussualy the girls try to steal her food so she found a secret place to eat

As she ate her meal in peace he spotted the boy again.

He seemed to be running around before settling in a random spot.

He ate alone. It seemed like he was happy and used to eating alone.

Lofi ate her meal quite quickly. And soon got outside her hiding spot.

She soon went back to the class to find it completely empty.

She sat at her chair and grabbed a notebook.

She began to draw random stuff. Drawing was one of her favorite things to do.

As she continued to draw the door suddenly slides open.

"Oh.. uh.." the boy said

Tom quickly putted his box at his backpack. And sat at the chair.

He looked at the other way. While humming some sort of song

" Hm.. hm . Hm.. hm." Tom hummed

It wasn't long before the class returned. And the teacher continued to teach.

It wasn't long before school ended and lofi went to the teacher

"Lofi! Good timing. Could you please bring this to the teacher's room?" The teacher asked

"Alright. But after I've cleaned the class." Lofi said

Lofi sweeped the floor. And did all the ussual stuff.

She soon grabbed the papers and began walking to the teachers room. When suddenly..

"ah!" Lofi exclaimed while a girl pushed her.

As she knew. The bullies weren't going to leave her alone for one day.

They laughed. Hurtled some insults. And some abuse.

When suddenly.

"Hey! What are you girls doing?" A voice said.

The voice sounded tough and the girls immediately ran away.

"Do you need some help?" The boy asked

" Eh? Aren't you Tom?" Lofi asked.

"Yeah.. nice to meet you." Tom said nervously.

Tom and lofi gathered the documents. And brought it to the teachers room.

"Lofi! And.. a new student?" The teacher asked

"Hello. My name is Tom" tom introduced

They soon putted the documents and went away. They didn't said a single word.

Finally. At the school gate

"Thanks for helping me." She said nervously

Tom was startled slightly. And blushed heavily

"'s fine." Tom said

Soon they seperated. And lofi walked back home.

She smiled. It looks like she made a friend! Who can she ask for some help.

"Mom! I'm home!" Lofi said

"Lofi! My girl.. now. You should study right?"

"Yes mom.." lofi said

Lofi went upstairs and putted some earphones on. Played a long song.

And began writing and reading.

She hummed and focused at studying..

The test were still far but she has to be READY.

She suddenly found a question where she can't answer.

"AHHH?! WHAT THE HELL?!" Lofi asked herself.

She checked her books but can't seem to find the answer..

After some hours she was on the verge of jumping of an actual F*cking cliff.

"Sigh.. I need some fresh air." Lofi said.

--- To be continued ---
Now.. my writing schedule is a wreck.

Just that.

See ya soon!

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