"will you...?

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Hello I'm back. It's been awhile. But I've been a bit busy.

Sorry if this chapter was Terrible. Since I'm still trying to get a new schedule

Anyways. I hope you enjoy the story.

From. Poabana.

Lofi went back home smiling but with a bit of disappointment

"It was great and all.. but I wish he asked me out to the Christmas party.." lofi thought

"It's just a few more days after all.. I want to ask him.. but I just can't." Lofi thought

"What If he says no?! What if he leaves me?" Lofi thought


"I'll get this done later." Lofi thought as she went to bed.

The next day.

It was just 4 more days from the party. But lofi still hesitated

"Should I.. or should I not?" Lofi thought

She grabbed a quick bite. Took a shower. And went downstairs preapared to leave.

"Bye mom! Seeya soon!" Lofi said

"Alright then. Goodbye!" Lofi's mom said.

Lofi walked to the school. Still thinking

"Hm.. why did I want him to the Christmas party again?" Lofi aksed

"Ah.. I just want to go with him. But How am I supposed to aks him?!". Lofi thought

Although she wanted to ask him. She was just too nervous.

Finally she arrived at the school gate.

"Tom?" Lofi aksed

"Oh! L..lofi. his are you?" Tom aksed nervously

"I'm alright? How are you?" Lofi aksed realizing he was nervous

"I..I'm alright.. just nervous.." tom said

"Oh? Are you alright?" Lofi aksed worriedly

Tom just blushed

"Y.. yeah. Let's go to the class." Tom said

"Alright then.." lofi thought slightly worried.

Both of them went to the class. While tom looked like he was thinking about something really hard.

"DAMNIT. I need to gather the courage" tom thought.

"It's so hard to think about it." Tom thought

Lofi looked at tom giggling slightly

"He's so focused. I wonder what he's thinking." Lofi thought.

Suddenly tom blushed slightly. And got a gaze of lofi

"Eh?" Tom aksed noticing lofi

Lofi just blushed. And looked at the other way red.

Tom blushed even more.

After some time. Class took a small break

"Hey tom?" Lofi aksed

"Huh? Oh yeah?" Tom said looking a bit surprised

"Wanna eat lunch?" Lofi aksed slightly blushing

"O..oh yeah! Sure. Let's go."  Tom said nervously.

Tom and lofi walked to their ussual spot. And she realized that tom was awfully silent.

"Hey? Tom?" Lofi aksed

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