some fresh air...

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Lofi tied her shoes. And walked outside her house. She said goodbye to her mom and walked outside the apartment block.

Lofi grabbed her bike and took it to the park. The park was quite far. But it was beautiful and nice.

She soon parked her bike. And began to walk around the beautiful park.

"This place is surely calming.." lofi thought.

She soon sat down at a bench. And pulled out a notebook.

"Alright.. now.. how to do this?" Lofi asked herself.

As she slowly began writing down some formulas.

After a few minutes she finally found her answer.

"Phew! Finally!" Lofi thought.

As she sat around. Breathing the fresh air. Lofi brought out her canvas.

She already loved drawing. And was good at painting as well. And the park was a great place to get some ideas.

"Hm.. maybe I could add.." lofi thought.

As she looked around. She found an interesting boy. A familiar one too.

"That's interesting. But I must have been seeing things." Lofi thought

Lofi drew a tree in the park. As well as the background.

She was pretty focused and was almost done. When suddenly..

"Eh.. uh.." a familiar voice said

Lofi looked at her side. And there he was.

"Eh?! Uh.." lofi said nervously.

" I suppose you're tom?" Lofi asked

"Y... Yes!" Tom said nervously.

"Oh.. what brings you here?" Lofi asked

"I.. well.. i was just stressed out." Tom said

Tom then sat at the other corner of the bench

"May I?" Tom asked

"Of course. Tell me what happened?" Lofi asked

" Well.. I found a problem that I couldn't solve.." tom said

"Oh really? Let me help you." Lofi said nicely

Tom looked shocked. And turner quite red. He grabbed a Small notebook. And showed the question he had

"Really? This is so easy." Lofi said

Tom soon looked away. It looked like he was embarrassed

"Oh. Uhm.. sorry for making this akward" lofi said nervously.

"No no. It's fine.. I'm just not great at school.." tom said

" Really? I can help you if you want." Lofi said

Tom just looked away.

Soon both of them discussed about the homework and the solutions

"See.. put the x behind the number."

"Oh.. thanks." Tom said.

Lofi realized that tom might not be smart.. but definitely a listener.

"Also I realized you were drawing something." Tom said

"Oh! Yeah. It's just a small hobby." Lofi said

" Hm.. can I look?" Tom asked silently

Lofi quickly grabbed her canvas

The life behind the lofi girlWhere stories live. Discover now