The real truth.

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" when I was at your age. I met Tom's mom." Lofi's mom said.

"She was a young. Happy. And nice girl."

" We became really good friends. And we always gave our support"

"One time.. she Introduced me to a boy.. she had a crush on him.. she admitted."

"I was scared. Since he was quite violent. But I was afraid to break our friendship  so I supported her.."

"And that was the most dreadful mistake I've made.."

"After some years.. and after she got married with him.. he became a violent crook. And was a dangerous person."

"I urged my friend to leave him.. but she was scared.. he had a gun.. and a knife ." Lofi's mom continued

"At that point.. I was pregnant with you. And your dad came to help Tom's mom out."

"But.. when Tom's father return. He was drunk. And violent. And.. he.. shot your father."

" Tom's mother was of course scared.. and she wanted to run. But she was pregnant. With tom. And couldn't ran away."

" Eventually he passed out. And she called me and called the police.."

"And that's when I knew. Your father was dead. When I saw his dead body. I.. well I cried."

"I was scared of.. raising you alone.. but it wasn't the end.."

"Eventually. Tom's mom was questioned. And found innocent

"And.. she decided to finally end her relationship"

"She fought bravely. And I gave her my support. Just like before."

"And.. well.. he was found guilty"

"And was going to be executed"

At that time. She continued to apologise to me. But I couldn't blame her.. she was scared."

" I told her that we will be alright.. and then.. tom was born."

"Tom was just a young boy. he was really cute. And seemed like an angel.

"And then.. there was you."

"You were a really cute. And nice girl. You really made me smile. Even though I wasn't great at taking care of kids "

I still remember when you guys played together when you were little.

You guys were really cute together.

After that. Tom's dad was executed. We decided to live together for some time.

"It made me remember my college years. Only with two cute babies."

"Hihi. Eventually. She got a high paying job outside the city. and
We said our goodbyes."

"It was really sad. Since you became alone. But we continued to talk to each other.

Well.. it's been some time. I've talked to her.. but she shared some problems

"Tom was bullied a lot because of his father's action.. and soon became depressed."

"I tried to send her some help. But we soon realized it was much worse than what we thought it was

"The police. Caught him trying to jump off a bridge. We knew he was in a dangerous spot.

" Eventually we moved him to a rehabilitation center."

"That's why.. he's really fragile.. and it's really easy to crack him."

"That's why you need to be soft with him. He always feel guilty for everything because of the bullying.

"But last time.. tom's mom told me that he was much better. And she was considering to send him to normal school.

" I suggested well.. you know.."

Lofi understood everything now.

But the most important thing she remembered.

"Tom is a fragile type?" Lofi aksed.

"Yeah. He would extremely be happy if you went and gave him something for his birthday.." lofi's mom said.

"Right.. when is his birthday?" Lofi aksed

"Just a few more weeks!"

"EH?" lofi was caught of guard.

"A..a few more week?" Lofi aksed startled

"Yeah. So.. what are you going to bring to him?" Lofi's mom aksed

"Something very special!" Lofibsaid

She decided she wanted to give tom a special gift from her heart

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