a girl with some thoughts

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Lofi barely slept again.
She was just fiddled in thoughts

"Hm.. how am I supposed to ask him.."

"Hey tom is your dad a murderer?!" Lofi aksed herself.

"Hm.. I have so much I need to answer.."lofi thought.

" I mean.. I barely knew him?!" Lofi thought

"I've met him like.. last week?!" Lofi continued

Soon it was morning.. and she had
To face.. him..

"*Sigh*  calm down.. we'll talk. Friend with friend.."

She calmly washed her face. And got ready for school.

"Mom. I'm going now.." lofi said in a sad tone.

"Ok lofi! Stay safe!" She said.

Lofi walked to school still filled with thoughts.

"*Sigh* what should I say to him. Should I stay as his friend?" Lofi thought.


"Lofi! Hi!" A boy in a hoodie said

"Oh! Uh.. tom. How are you?" 

"I'm.. fine! How are you lofi?" Tom asked

" Oh. Im.. just having some thoughts" lofi said.

"Oh.. are you comfortable talking about it?" Tom asked in a concerned voice.

Lofi blushed slightly

"Maybe later.. it's a bit private.." lofi said. Thinking about it..

"Hm.. alright then.." tom said.

"Just tell me if you feel uncomfortable." Tom said smiling

Lofi sat at her chair more confused than ever.

"He seems to be a nice guy... Or he will kill me later.. it's 50/50." Lofi thought

"It's probably his father.. and I don't think he knows about it.." lofi thought.

"Should I really ask him? What if he can't handle the news?!" Lofi thought

"I've never known about his parents after all.. I might have mistaken.." lofi thought

"But.. he could he really good at hiding his stuff.."lofi thought

Her mind was full of thoughts. So much that she didn't listen to the teacher at all.

" Lofi.. are you paying attention?" Tom said silently

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm just.. thinking about something." Lofi said.

"Alright then.." tom said.

Lofi was still confused.. I mean.. she didn't even see his face?!

"Hm.. I wonder how he actually looks like." Lofi thought.

After awhile of not paying attention. She heard the bell rang

"DAMNIT. I didn't listen to the teacher." Lofi thought.

She went outside and went to her private place.. when suddenly..

"Lofi! Can I eat with you?" Tom aksed nicely and smiling

Lofi blushed and nodded her head

Both of them went to the secret spot.

"Here. Let's eat!" Lofi said.

"Alright then.. what do you have?" Tom aksed

"Some.. rice and shrimp.." lofi said.

"I have some sushi." Tom said.

"Wanna try?" Tom asked

"Sure..." Lofi said.

"Wait what did he say?" Lofi asked herself.

Tom grabbed one of the sushi.

"Here." Tom said.

"Oh! Uhm.. thanks.." lofi said blushing slightly.

"How is it?" Tom asked

"Hm.. slightly too salty.' lofi said.

"Yeah I made it myself!" Tom said

" really? I didn't knew you know how to cook?" Lofi said..

"Yeah it's just something I like to do. If you can I'll teach you how to make it!" Tom said

"Thanks.. it means a lot." Lofi said

"So.. lofi.. I realized you have been not focused at class.." tom said in a concerned voice

"Can you tell me why?" Tom asked.

Lofi just looked away s bit confused.

"Is it a good time to tell him..." Lofi thought.

"Lofi? Are you alright?" Tom asked.

"Oh yeah I'm fine.." lofi said smiling

"  Hm.. lofi if you want to talk about it.. let's go to the park later. You might be more comfortable with it.' tom said.

"Thanks.. I will think about it .' lofi said.

Lofi finished her meal. And hurriedly went back to her class.

After some time.. the teacher began to preached again.

" *Sigh* is it a good time.." lofi kept asking herself

After awhile. The class was finished.
Lofi came out to find tom waiting for her

"Tom? You're waiting for me?" Lofi aksed.

"Of course! I'm not letting those students get to you again." Tom said making lofi blush more.

"Thanks.. speaking of which.. can we go somewhere.. private?" Lofi aksed

Tom turned slightly red. And nodded his head.

Both of them cleaned up their class. And went to the back of the school.

"So.. lofi.. are you willing to tell me what's wrong?" Tom aksed.

Lofi calmed herself down..

"Tom.. will you answer this honestly?" Lofi aksed him

"Of course! Anything for a friend!" Tom said. Happily

"Tom.. who's your father.." lofi said silently


--- to be continued, ---


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