Taking cover!

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Tom scrambled and looked around to find some cover

" There's some tress.. i don't think they'll help a lot though" Tom thought

" Should we move?" Lofi aksed Tom

" Give me a sec." Tom said back

" Dammit. There isn't a lot here"

"Alright then let's go." Tom said standing up

"Alright then." Lofi said

Walking back home they were still searching for some cover.

" Maybe we can just take something to cover us?" Lofi asked

"Maybe? But there isn't really a lot of stuff here" Tom said back.

"Say.. where's the hotel again?" Lofi asked


" Good point." Tom replied

Both of them forgot the way back.

" Welp i guess we should probably settle somewhere" Tom said

Looking around. They still haven't found anything suitable.

The rain kept getting worse

" I'm already wet to be honest" lofi said jokingly

"It'll be better if we can find somewhere warm though" Tom said back.

Walking through the area lofi spotted something interesting

"Looks like a wooden shack." Lofi said

"Huh? Where?" Tom aksed back

"There." Lofi said pointing

"Eh.. that's our only choice i guess." Tom said

" So are we going or..." Lofi asked

"Yes.' Tom grabbed lofi'a arm and dragged her all the way to the shack.

"Well.. this is kinda terrible." Lofi said

"Yeah. But c'mon. At least there's no thunder storms..."

*Lightning sounds*

"You spoke too fucking soon." Lofi said slightly pissed.

The rain quickly changed to a thunderstorm. Luckily they stayed dry thanks to the wooden shack.

"You know. I don't think this is gonna last.." lofi said

"Shh! Remember last time?" Tom aksed

"Oh yeah yeah." Lofi said.

"So.. what are we going to do now?" Tom asked

"I don't know. I don't even remember the way back to the hotel" lofi said.

" Let's hope they will send someone to find us." Tom said back

"Yeah. Let's hope." Lofi said back

Both of them got quite bored even though the rain was ridiculously loud
They stared endlessly at the thunderstorm.

"I'm bored.." lofi whined

"Seriously? With this rain?" Tom asked back

"Yep. Bored af" lofi said back.

"Wow. I didn't expected that." Tom replied

Looking at the other side from his glace. He sat silently. Thinking of something fun.

Since not really having any ideas Tom decided to play and old classic game

" Truth or dare?' Tom asked a bored lofi

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