Buying some clothes!

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Lofi woke up quite early that day.

She was going to the mall after all! With her future hus...

I mean friend.

"Hm.. will I have enough money?" Lofi wondered

"I have been saving.. but.. it doesn't seem like enough ." Lofi  said.

Lofi went downstairs. To see her mom waiting for her.

"Hello lofi." Lofi's mom said

"Hello mom.." lofi said sitting down

"I made breakfast! Pancakes with a bit of honey!" Lofi's mom said

Lofi's mouth began to drool

"Yay! Thanks mom!" Lofi said excited

"Here you go." Lofi's mom said. Putting the pancake down.

Lofi munched down  the pancake.

"It's delicious!" Lofi said

"Glad you like it.." lofi's mom said

After some time...

"Hey lofi." Lofi's mom said

"Yes mom?" Lofi aksed

"Well.. I realized you have been searching for money." Lofi's mom said making lofi blush slightly

"Can you tell me why?" Lofi's mom asked smiling nicely

Lofi just blushed heavily

"I..I just want to buy a new dress.." lofi said embarrassed

"A.. new dress?" Lofi's mom aksed a bit confused

" Yeah.. I want to go the school Christmas party!" Lofi said excited

"That's good.. but why so suddenly?" Lofi's mom aksed

"What do you mean?" Lofi aksed

"Well.. for the past years.. you've been avoiding any party's.." lofi's mom said

"And.. you seem to be happy yesterday.. when you hanged out with your friend.." lofi's mom said making lofi blush more.

"Did tom asked you out?" Lofi's mom asked

Lofi's face was as red as a tomato

"Y..yeah.. but it's just for fun!" Lofi said embarrassed

"Really?" Lofi's mom aksed

"Y.. yeah.. I'm going to the mall today to buy new clothes" lofi said

"Hm.. with who?" Lofi's mom asked in a teasing manner.

Lofi blushed heavily

"I'm going with.. t..tom." lofi said embarrassed

"Alright then.."lofi's mom said.

Lofi finished her breakfast quickly
And took a quick shower.

After the shower. She gathered her money. And went back downstairs.

"Mom. I'm going soon." Lofi said

"Alright lofi. Stay safe alright?" Lofi's. Mom said.

"Yes mom. I'll stay safe" lofi said.

"Also. Make sure you don't leave tom alright?" Lofi's mom aksed

"A.. alright mom.." lofi said blushing heavily.

Lofi quickly set off to meet tom.

"Alright.. hey? I did someone put money on my purse?" Lofi aksed. She realized she had more money.

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