The year countdown!

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Lofi and Tom went around the food area. Looking for something delicious.

Something.. good.

"Hm.. hey! A hamburger spot!" Tom said

"Hm..  would you like it?" Lofi said.

" Yeah. There's a lot of food here though", tom said

"Yeah. There's takoyaki.. there's kimchi. And there's.. dumplings" lofi said

" A mix of asian food?" Tom aksed

"Yeah. With an american twist"lofi said.

Tom ordered the hamburgers. Fries. A large soda. And lofi got some takoyaki, dumplings.. and kimchi.


"Hm.. the burger is crunchy" tom said

"Yeah! It's perfect. And delicious" lofi said

"A lot of sauce though" tom said

"Yeah. But it's still good." Lofi said.

"Hm.. let's try the kimchi.." tom said

A small taste and.

"Hm.. it's actually really good." Tom said

"Really?" Lofi aksed

"Kimchi and hamburger. A mix I never thought would fit." Tom said

" Go to SOUTH korea. Irs actually a pipuly dish there" lofi's said.

"Really? You ever went there?" Tom aksed

"Yup! It has been a long time though" lofi said.

And the takoyaki..

"Hm.. it's a bit messy ey?" Lofi aksed

"Hehehe. Yeah.. but I like it." Tom said

*Crunch crunch*

"Hm.. it's really savory. " Lofi said.

"Hm.." tom said enjoying

"Also.. dumplings!" Lofi said

"Hm.. a classic" tom said

"Yup. Dumplings are basically meat wrapped in flour." Lofi said

"Yeah! It's really good." Tom said.

After eating their food. They looked for some other food.

"Hey! Baked potato!" Lofi said

"You want to get baked potato?" Tom aksed

"Yeah. It's so nice. When it's cold as hell." Lofi said.

After ordering it. The potato came out piping hot.

"Hm.. so warming." Lofi said.

"Yeah. Of course." Tom said.

Lofi and Tom are the baked potato

It was creamy. And very tasty

"Hm.. it's pretty creamy" lofi said

"Yeah. How's the taste?" Tom aksed

"Salty. And spicy" lofi said giggling slightly

"Yeah.. did we add to much chili?" Tom aksed

"Nah.. it's perfect!" Lofi said.

"Now. Time for desert!" Tom said.

"Bloddy hell. We already ate a lot." Lofi said

"Heh. It's a celebration! C'mon!" Tom said.

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