Misseltoe incident.

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"well.." lofi said blushing

Everyone was looking at them. And they didn't know what to do.

"We..we can just not do this right?" Tom aksed nervously

"NO" everyone else said.

"Oh c'mon!" Tom said blushing red

"W..what should we do?" Lofi aksed blushing.

They were still blushing red. Not doing what to do.

Lofi looked around. With everyone still looking at them.

"I guess we don't have a choice I suppose."  Tom said blushing red.

Tom began moving his face. Slowly.

Finally. Their lips touched.

It was a quick kiss. And tom immediately looked away.

Tom ran away in embarrassment. Leaving lofi alone. And frozen.

Lofi stayed frozen for some time. By that time. Everyone had left her alone.

"Ah! That was so.." lofi thought

"So.. horrible?" Lofi thought

She soon. Ran. Trying to find Tom.

"Bloddy hell. Where can he be?" Lofi aksed herself

She began looking around the whole school.

"Hm.. what place that I've not checked?" Lofi aksed.

Then. It hit her.

"The roof?" Lofi thought nervously..

Lofi hurriedly went up the stairs.

"If he's really up there. How did he went inside?"lofi aksed

But she found the door unlocked. And she slowly opened the door.

"Tom?" Lofi aksed

"L..lofi?" Tom said nervously.

There he was. Just looking at the bright moon.

Lofi went inside. And went to him.

"Can I sit here?" Lofi aksed

Tom blushed and nodded his head.

Lofi just looked around. It was silent. It was Private. And it was comfortable

"This is really nice." Lofi said

Tom blushed.

"Yeah.. it's really nice here." 

It was windy. And chilliy

"It's a bit cold ey?" Lofi said

"Oh. Really?" Tom aksed.

"Y.. yeah. It's is snowy" lofi said

"Do you want my Hoodie?" Tom aksed blushing red.

"O..oh. t..that would be nice." Lofi said

Tom took our his hoodie. And putted the hoodie on lofi.

"How are you?" Tom aksed

"This is much better" lofi said blushing red.

"That's good" tom said blushing also.

Lofi and Tom sat while looking at the night sky.

It was beautiful. And it was something new.

"T..tom?" Lofi aksed

"Yeah?" Tom aksed still nervous.

"W..why did you.. you know.." lofi said nervously

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